Page 153 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 153
the good work that our schools are doing.
Capital Improvements made to Boxford Schools
In FY2016 we began the evaluation of the Spofford Pond School roof and windows, as they are coming to
the end of their useful lifespans. The building envelope is showing signs of age and excessive wear.
An infrared study and Feasibility Study have been completed as part of a renovation and replacement
project that are being planned to take place over the next two years. We have started the process of
partnering with the Massachusetts School Building Authority for the proposed project, anticipating an
approximate 40% reimbursement rate for a large portion of the project (not all portions of the project are
In early 2017, we will develop the drawing and ID information in order to have a hard number for the
Annual Town Meeting in May 2017. Pending approval at Town Meeting and at the ballot, the project will
begin with the roof replacement in the summer of 2017 and the window replacement in the summer of
The renovation of the Aaron Wood Building was completed in January 2016. The project came in under
budget and we anticipate that the building will continue to serve the community for many years to come.
Boxford Learning Community Support Organizations
Boxford Parent Teacher Organization: The Boxford PTO has budgeted an investment of
approximately $54,000 in the elementary schools for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The goal of the PTO is to
use parent donations to enhance the education of the students at Cole and Spofford through supportive
programs, teacher tools, and community building events.
The budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is over $22,000 for the "Teachers' Wishes" program, which
funds teacher grant requests for supplies. This year’s Teacher Wishes included guided reading materials,
writing enrichment materials and organizers, various publications, headphones, OT and PT support
materials and variety of other curriculum enhancing materials, apps and software. In addition, the PTO
funded over $1,800 toward the STEM Lab at Cole.
Approximately $20,000 of PTO budgeted spending this year will support the Curriculum Enrichment
program. Each grade level benefits from one or more of these programs each year. For example, last year
all fifth grade classes were entertained by the Techsploration show about electricity, which was followed
by hands-on electricity experiments in each fifth grade classroom. The PTO has added Miss Frizzle and
Johnny the K programs to Cole school, in addition to the Audubon, Museum of Science, Drumlin Farms,
NE Aquarium and History of Rockets and Space Flight programs. Many of the enrichment programs
cover aspects of science, including biology and geology related topics.
The PTO also helped to defray the costs of the 2nd and 6th grade activities and celebrations, and
contributed $1,000 to this year’s 6th grade activities committee. Additionally, the PTO supported teachers
by sponsoring the annual teacher appreciation week and by providing refreshments for monthly meetings.
The PTO spends approximately $1,000 on school beautification throughout the year between Cole and
Spofford Pond Schools.
The PTO recruits parent volunteers to host family events throughout the year. These include the Talent
Shows, Halloween Party, the Fall Fundown and a student Color Run to celebrate the end of the school