Page 172 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 172


                   The Board of Health employs Kendell Longo as Health Agent and Kristin Kwiatek as the
                   assistant to the Board of Health Department.

                   Kendell  Longo  is  a  participant  in  the  Massachusetts  Public  Health  Emergency
                   Preparedness, Region 3A of the Northeast Public Health Coalition and attends meetings
                   which support local public health authorities in the development and expansion of their
                   existing infrastructure by providing resources to be used as determined by the coalition
                   for public health preparedness and response needs.  Activities undertaken by the regional
                   coalitions with these funds must be in accordance with the Critical Capacities outlined in
                   the Cooperative Agreement, and would include:

                   •           Preparedness planning and readiness assessment
                   •           Surveillance and epidemiology capacity
                   •           Communications and information technology
                   •           Risk communication
                   •           Education and training

                   In  2015/2016  Kendell  commenced  working  behalf  of  the  Town  of  Boxford  with
                   Topsfield and Middleton to develop a Tri-Town Regional Emergency Dispensing Plan.
                   The primary role of government is to provide the welfare of its citizens.  The welfare and
                   safety of citizens is never more threatened then during disasters.  The goal of emergency
                   management  is  to  ensure  that  mitigation,  preparedness,  response  and  recovery  actions
                   exist so that public health, welfare, and safety are preserved.

                   Although  Boxford,  Topsfield,  and  Middleton  have  their  own  individual  Emergency
                   Dispensing Site Plans, the Centers for Disease Control and the Massachusetts Department
                   of Public Health are encouraging us to create regional plans in order to optimize the use
                   of  federal,  state  and  local  resources  during  an  emergency.    We  acknowledge  that  this
                   project  is  no  small  undertaking;  however,  if  we  can  accomplish  it,  we  will  have
                   developed  the  first  Regional  Emergency  Dispensing  Site  in  Massachusetts,  which  will
                   serve as an inspiring example to other communities.  This is a continuing and ongoing

                   Kendell  also  attends  meetings  and  trainings  with  the  Local  Emergency  Planning
                   Committee,  the  Storm  water  Advisory  Committee  and  the  Health  and  Medical
                   Coordinating Coalition.

                   Trash  Collection:    Under  the ongoing  contract  JRM  is  collecting  trash  and  recycling
                   Boxford on the same two days of the week as previously experienced by residents.  The
                   twice  yearly  at-the-curb  large  item  collection  days  continue.    JRM provides  an  annual
                   ‘shredding  day’  for  residents.    This  date  coincides  with  ‘Earth  Day’  clean  up  when
                   residents bring in trash from roadsides.  JRM brought a shredder into town and residents
                   were able to bring boxes of their private papers to be shredded at no cost to the residents.
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