Page 118 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
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percent. Approved abatements resulted in 17 valuation changes and a $20,641 reduction in taxes.
The board granted 56 personal exemptions totaling $114,813 in reduced taxes to qualified
homeowners based on age, financial condition, blindness or veteran’s service connected
disability. The Board also granted 23 Community Preservation Surcharge abatements due to age
and financial status, which totaled a $4,072 reduction in taxes. An additional $12,872 was abated
due to the Senior Tax Work-Off Program.
Auto excise taxes resulted in approximately $1,263,000 in income to the town from over 7,900
vehicles. Vehicle owners should be aware that in order to receive an abatement, the vehicle must
be disposed of (i.e. sold, traded, junked, etc.) as well as the plates being cancelled or transferred to
another vehicle.
Data collection and maintenance of current and accurate property inventory data is a critical
element in the development of uniform, fair market value. The department continued our Cyclical
Inspection Project, in accordance with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue’s requirement
that each property be inspected once in every nine-year cycle. The bulk of these inspections are
being conducted by retired Ipswich Assessor, Frank Ragonese. The Board is grateful for his
assistance in helping the department to continue to meet this requirement. Inspections of
properties that have sold or have been affected by building permits continue to be conducted by
Kristin Hanlon, Director of Assessment.
The Board welcomed new member Alexander Leighton Williams in May. Alex has been a
resident of Boxford for six years. He is a graduate of Masconomet Regional High School and is
currently attending the University of Massachusetts, where he is studying History. The Board
believes he will bring a fresh, new perspective to the position and looks forward to working with
The Board of Assessors would like to thank Kristin Hanlon, Director of Assessment, and Jan
Silva, Assessing Clerk, for their assistance in our ongoing efforts to maintain fair and equitable
assessments. The Board members and office staff also appreciate the help and support received
from other town departments and all the townspeople.
Respectfully submitted,
David F. Benson, Chairman
Diana Headrick
Alexander Leighton Williams