Page 182 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 182


                   Boxford  Board  of  Health  staff  and  VNA  Care  nurses  use  MDPH’s  MAVEN
                   (Massachusetts  Virtual  Epidemiological  Network)  a  secure  web-based  surveillance
                   system for infectious disease investigation, case management and follow-up.

                   Overall, the number of communicable disease infections requiring LBOH follow-up was
                   23  confirmed,  4  probable,  38  suspect  and  14  cases  were  revoked.  The  VNA  did  the
                   appropriate follow up on all these cases (79 cases). All the cases listed in attachment A
                   were  monitored  by  the  VNA  until  follow  up  complete      or  revoked  by  DPH.    Case
                   investigations and relevant follow-up are conducted per MDPH protocol. As in previous
                   years, physicians are responsible for follow-up for Chronic Hepatitis B, Chronic Hepatitis
                   C, Influenza and Lyme. This was previously done by the LBOH, and these cases are
                   acknowledged through the MAVEN system.

                   Beverly Salate and Joan Fitzpatrick attended many programs sponsored by MAVEN in
                   relation to communicable disease. MAVEN sponsored monthly webinar programs, which
                   can be accessed at any time in their archived section.

                   Joan Fitzpatrick attended a two day training course in Jamaica Plain at DPH on June 1
                   and 2  on Epi-Ready Team Training Foodborne Illness Response.

                   Infections                                 Number
                   Ehrlichiosis & Anaplasmosis                  4 (all revoked)
                   Babesiosis                                   9 (2 confirmed, 6 revoked)
                   Campylobacter                                6 (all confirmed)
                   Salmonella                                   1 (all confirmed)
                   Cryptosporidiosis                            0
                   Pertussis                                    0
                   Legionellosis                                0
                   Viral Meningitis                             0
                   Varicella                                    0
                   Ehrlichiosis                                                       0
                   Gardiasis                                                           2 (confirmed)
                   Group B Streptococcus                                     0
                   Hepatits A                                                         1 (suspect)MD follow up
                   Hepatitis C                                                        1(confirmed) 2 probable MD Follow up
                   Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis                 6(1confirmed/2 revoked/1 probable/2
                   Influenza                                                          7 (MD follow up)
                   Listeriosis                                                         0
                   Lyme Disease                                                   1 (confirmed) 34 (suspect) MD follow up
                   Measles                                                             0
                   Mumps                                                              1 (suspect)
                   Pertussis                                                            0
                   Shigellosis                                                         0
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