Page 188 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 188
The Community Preservation Act (CPA) allows communities in Massachusetts to establish a
fund that may be spent for certain open space, recreational, historic resource and affordable
housing purposes. CPA funds are raised through a local property tax surcharge coupled with
matching funds from the state. In May 2001, the voters of Boxford adopted the CPA, approving
a 3% surcharge on most property taxes paid by town residents. Moderate income Senior Citizens
and low-income households in Boxford may be eligible for an exemption from their Community
Preservation Act tax surcharge, if they meet certain criteria. Persons interested in finding out if
they are eligible for this exemption should contact the Boxford Assessors’ office at 978-887-
6000 ext. 141.
In 2016, Boxford received another round of matching funds from the state. Our grant of
$176,823 was equal to 26.8% of the $658,200 we collected locally in Fiscal Year 2015 through
the 3% CPA surcharge. The CPC is working with the state-wide Community Preservation
Coalition to identify a source of CPA funding to support larger match amounts in the future.
At the Annual Town Meeting held May 10, 2016 the town appropriated $6,363 from the
Undesignated Fund for seven signs and posts to be placed at various recreational fields in Town.
The CPC also continued to monitor and approve payment on invoices for various ongoing
projects during 2016.
At a Special Town meeting held on October 27, 2015 the town appropriated $4,557,904 in
construction funds for the Boxford Common project. This funding included $2,471,853 from the
CPC Undesignated Fund, $306,397 from the CPC Budgeted Reserve, and $1,250,000 in bonded
debt supported by future CPC surcharge revenues. The Boxford Common project construction
began in the fall of 2015 and continued through 2016 with the completion of a turtle habitat area,
the first of two recreational fields, and associated site improvements. The Boxford Common
project is expected to be completed in 2017.
The Committee: All CPC members serve for terms of one year, expiring in June. At Large
members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Representative members are appointed by
their respective Boards:
Peter Delaney, Chair, Boxford Housing Partnership Committee representative
Natasha Grigg, Conservation Commission representative
Virginia Havey, Historic Districts Commission representative
Angela Steadman, Planning Board representative
Barbara Jessel, At Large member
Steve Merriam, At Large member
F. Richard Shaw, At Large member
Vacant, At Large member
Vacant, Recreation Committee representative
Staff: Ross Povenmire, CPC Administrator
Phaedra Doucette, Minutes Secretary