Page 230 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 230



                   Forty years ago the United States celebrated the Bicentennial of the American Revolution.
                   Like many other communities across the country, Boxford celebrated extravagantly in the
                   years leading up to July 4, 1976.  Town activities included festivals, a colonial-dress ball,
                   historic concert, golf tournament, the first Grand Illumination, and a two-week visit by 72
                   residents  of  Boxford,  England.    Beyond  the  festivities,  however,  the  Bicentennial
                   Commission wanted a lasting legacy for the town - a historic center to gather and provide
                   copies of old records, newspapers, maps, and other historical data.

                   The Boxford Historic Document Center  is  located in  West Boxford Village,  in the little
                   brick  building  next  to  the  Second  Congregational  Church.    In  the  past  forty  years,  the
                   collection of historic materials held by the BHDC has expanded dramatically.  In addition,
                   the Document Center continues to collect contemporary material, reflecting what Boxford
                   is  like  today.    It’s  easy  to  forget  how  quickly  present  day  activities  become  part  of  a
                   community’s tradition and history!

                   What  can  you  expect  to  see  at  the  Boxford  Historic  Document  Center?    Our  collection
                   relates  to  the  history  of  Boxford,  and  the  people,  organizations,  places  and  houses
                   associated with the town.  It includes papers of old Boxford families, as well as information
                   about  people  living  in  town  today.    Since  the  mid-19   century  Boxford  has  been  a
                   community with many social organizations and clubs.  Imagine what you could learn about
                   life  in  Boxford  by  looking  at  the  records  of  the  Natural  History  Society,  the  Boxford
                   Oratorio Society, or the West Boxford Raquette Club.   We  hold the business records of
                   Charles Chaplin’s sawmill and material relating to Kelsey Highlands Nursery.  In addition
                   there are historic and  modern  maps  and plans, photographs, postcards and other images,
                   along with copies of local newspapers, and an extensive reference library.

                   The Document  Center  has  also  been  able to offer  secure archival  storage to  community
                   organizations to ensure the preservation of their  records.  Among these are First Church
                   Congregational and the Second Congregational Church, the Boxford Village Garden Club,
                   BTA/BOLT, several cemetery associations, the Grange, the Boxford Horticultural Society,
                   and the Boxford PTO.  Obsolete town records have also been added to the collection.

                   The Center is always looking to acquire new collections. Materials do not need to be “old”
                   or “valuable” as long as they document the history of the town and its people. Among the
                   donations we enthusiastically accept are photographs and postcards of  buildings or town
                   events, memorabilia and records of local organizations, schools, and churches, newspaper
                   articles, scrapbooks, and files recording personal involvement in town government.

                   Last year over 70 curious people, including students, genealogists, historians, and residents,
                   visited the BHDC.  Many friends joined us for our 40  anniversary celebration on October
                   22,  with  an  open  house,  locally-sourced  dinner,  and  a  program  examining  Boxford’s
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