Page 4 - WHISPERING WHEELS - Q2 2024
P. 4

                  PRESIDENT'S REPORT

                                        DAVID "GRIZZLY" BRETTLE

                                         Hello fellow Club Members,

                                         Now  with  the  change  of  seasons  it’s  starting  to  cool  down  from
                                         Xmas   where   the   weather  had   been   mostly   predictable   with   hot
                                         days warm nights and the occasional storm.
              Two  of  our  members  felt  the  force  of  a  small  Tornado  come  through  their  camp  site  and
              did damage to both them and their camper’s. Hoping everyone is on the mend.

              Early   February   saw   our   club   with   a   special   invite   from   Lucas   Bree   the   owner   of   The
       .      Springs   4x4   Park   to   be   a   part   of   the   new   extension   to   the   park.   It   was   an   absolute
       C      pleasure  to  be  there  for  the  opening  and  be  one  of  the  first  set  of  tyre  tracks  on  the  1000
       N      acres   of   prime   land   at   the   back   of   the   Springs.   Listening   to   Lucas   during   the   day   on
              what  he  has  planned  for  the  new  land  (Springs  Wing)  shows  that  it  was  a  no  brainer  into

              the   new   investment   and   his   support   to   the   Four-Wheel   Drive   community   in   making   the
              park  into   one   off   the  best   Park’s   in   Australia.   Our   Club   has   a   long  history   with   the   park
              and   is   excited   to   support   Lucas   and   his   family   in   this   new   project.   I   would   like   to   wish
              Lucas all the best in the future.

       D      At   the   end   of   February,   we   were   back   out   at   the   Springs   supporting   Lucas   and   Chris
       W      from   Tred   for   the   grand   opening   of   the   expansion   to   the   rest   of   the   4-wheel   drive

       4      community,    cooking   up   a   storm  W E L C O M E Saturday   night.   All   the   campers   were
              very excited to see the new Wing. It was a great weekend with some great feedback.
                                 T O   T H E   ( M E M B E R )   J U N G L E
       E      It   was   great   fun   to   stretch   the   legs   on  Dug  with  a  bit  of   a   play   around  the   park   followed
       N      by   a   Zuk,   Y62,   and   a   Prado.   Saturday   night   after   the   BBQ   and   Beer   O’clock   Hill   it   was
       A      back   to   camp   and   a   little  relaxation   and  a  chat   about   what   we   had  achieved.   Later   that
       B      night  it  started  to  rain  so,  the  fire  was  abandoned  and  a  mad  dash  to  the  nearest  shelter
       S      which was Mrs Grizz’s awning where the fun started to happen, what a great night.
       R      Mid-March   15-16-17th  takes  us  to   the  4x4  Drive   Show  where  most  of   us   spend   heaps  on
       B      upgrades   for   their   pride   and   joy.   Was   great   catching   up   with   sponsors   and,   with   other
              clubs  in  the   Association  for   a  quick   hello   and  chat.  Three  big   days  at  the  grounds  and  a
              lot  cooler  than  last   year.  To  Kat   and  Matt   and   to   all  the   volunteer’s,  thanks  for   the  great
              effort on the stand.

              A   week   later,   on   the   23rd   we   are   back   at   the   Springs   for   Induction,   driver   training   or

              Lots   more   trips   are   coming   in   the   next   few   months   so   have   a   look   in   the   events   under
              member jungle to keep you up to date with what’s going on. If you would like to run a trip
              and don’t know where to start, please have a chat with someone on the committee.

              Well, that’s enough from me, until the next time, stay upright.  Cheers!

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