Page 5 - 2019 Price List Book_Neat
P. 5

Twist & Basket Series

          2550                 2551                2552                 2553                 2554
         1TW44                2TW44               1BASK44              2BASK44              1TW22
                                                Versatile Series

          2555                 2556                 2557                2558                 2968
          PLA44               1KNUC                2KNUC              2KNUC1BASK            WAVE
                                                 Ribbon Series

          2560                 2561                 2962                2963
          1RIB44              2RIB44               M8044                M8544
                                                 Gothic Series

          2570                 2571                 2572                2575
         M14044               M15044              M16044               M14344
                                                Knee Wall Series


          2650                 2651                2652                 2653                 2685
        KW-1TW44             KW-2TW44            KW-1BASK44           KW-2BASK44           KW-M501
                                                                     Pictues shown are not to scale and only a representative of the actual product*
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