Page 21 - Epistle 2018 ISSUE 1
P. 21
S. No. Name of the Workshop Date Resource persons
1 RF Component: Design and 02-02-2018 and Dr. Usha Kiran K
Measurement Techniques 03-02-2018
2 Certification Program on 02-02-2018 and Mr.Arul,Product
OPTSIM -A software for 03-02-2018 Engineer, RSoft
optical communication and OptSIM
3 Design and Implementation 15-02-2018 Dr.G.Velmathi
of Digital Logic Designs ,Dr.T.Vigneswaran
using FPGA
4 A Technology know-how 24-02-2018 Dr SRS Prabaharan,
platform on the indigenous Professor & VIT
Development of
Supercapacitors for Naval
5 One Day National Level 24-02-2018 Dr. Arun Janarthanan,
Hands-on Workshop On Qualcomm India
“System Verilog &
Verification “
6 Certification Programme on 16-03-2018 and Mr.Shriram,
High Frequency Structure 18-03-2018 S,Application Engineer
Simulator for Microwave HFSS,Corel,
Components Bangalore
7 A Practical Approach for 17-03-2018 Mr.Athif Shah,
Data Analytics and Machine Chairman ,ABE
Learning semiconductor designs
8 Photonic Components 23-03-2018 and Mr. Rabinder
Design 24-03-2018 Henry,Director
Prahalad P.Chhabria
Research Centre