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River Park Neighborhood Association                                          Join us!  The River Park
                                                                                      Neighborhood Association
                Board of Directors                                                    meets monthly at the River
              President—Phil Niswonger                                                Park Public Library at 7 p.m.
   574-287-2270   July
                                               27   Rock The Block Party—25th Street   on the 2nd Thursday of each
            Vice President—Mike Maciulski                                             month.  Everyone is welcome!
      574-282-1787   August
                                               1          Safety & Captain Picnic              River Park
             Treasurer—Howard Berberick        5       Fire Station #9 Open House 5:30-7:30pm
                                                           Neighborhood Association
                                               6      Night Out Against Crime 5:30-7:30pm    Vision and Mission
               Secretary—Jan Maciulski                SB Police Dept , 701 W. Sample St.
                                                                                      Our vision is a safe, attrac-
                 Board Members                 8       RPNA Meeting 7pm River Park Library
                    Carrie Marks               21    RPBA Meeting 8am Allie’s         tive community where resi-

                    Linda Deaton               September                               dents feel proud, are con-
         David Harbaugh   12    RPNA Meeting 7pm River Park Library   nected to one another, and
                                                                                      engage to better the neigh-
                 River Park West               18   RPBA Meeting 8am Allie’s
           Pam Claeys                                       borhood.  To bring our vi-
                                               October                                  sion to reality, the River
                Safety Committee               10     RPNA Meeting 7pm River Park Library   Park Neighborhood Associa-
                   Phil Niswonger              16     RPBA Meeting 8am  Allie’s       tion cultivates relationships
                                               19    Summit for South Bend Neighborhoods
                Events Committee                                                       to secure and develop our
                    Carrie Marks                                                           River Park assets.
                  David Harbaugh

          Housing & Asset Preservation
                  Howard Berberick
                  David Harbaugh

             Fundraising Committee
                   Janet Maciulski

             Membership Committee
           Communications Committee
                 Positions are vacant

                Sharon McBride, MBA
               3  District Councilwoman
                Office: 574-235-5981

                               River Park Neighborhood Association Partner Form

       Name: _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________  City: _______________

       State:______ Zip:__________    Phone:________________________________  Email:_______________________________________

       Partner Level:   $5       $10      Other: $_________          Would you like to be involved with the RPNA?

       Send completed form and check to:                               Join the Board      Distribute the Newsletter

       RPNA • PO Box 66 • South Bend, IN • 46624-0066
                                                                       Serve on a Committee     Neighborhood Crime Watch
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