Page 194 - Mercy MOR All Regions_FinalwVideo
P. 194

RUN DATE: 2/7/2018  RUN TIME: 6:50:53 AM  YTD  PY  701,106                        95,817                          405,204                        2,100                            -                                 2,100                            18,791                          11,217                          30,008                          32,108                          23,019                          14,187                          634                                11,341                          6,606                            24,923                          45,284                          883

                        YTD  Var %  -6.4%  4.7%  -6.3%  -203.4%  44.8%  18.3%  -24.8%  -144.7%  -53.1%  -41.0%  2.4%  52.8%  100.0%  -4.1%  -128.8%  -13.7%  -17.8%  0.0%  -76.0%  47.9%  15.8%  106.9%  100.3%  -23.5%  -22.8%  11.9%  -37.0%  44.9%  36.6%  29.4%  100.0%  100.0%  51.3%  100.0%  0.0%  -64.2%  -114.7%  -36.2%  16.4%  9.7%  31.3%  6     -15.8%  (0)                   (1)                   (0)                  4.0%  3.8%  -20.1%  34.8%  -5.9%  2.6%  2.5%

                        Year To Date  Variance  (47,208)                       4,246                          (29,322)                       (2,142)                         3,937                          1,795                          (9,155)                         (16,461)                       (25,616)                       (23,821)                       401                             5,136                          2,023                          (236)                            (9,664)                         (1,249)                         (7,675)                         -                              (1,138)

                        Year To Date  Budget  735,256                      90,145                        462,253                      1,053                          8,782                          9,835                          36,842                        11,378                        48,220                        58,055                        16,507                        9,720                          2,023                          5,739                          7,502                          9,128                          43,239                        -                              1,496                          9,735

                        Year To Date  Actual  782,465                      85,899                        491,575                      3,195                          4,845                          8,040                          45,996                        27,840                        73,836                        81,876                        16,106                        4,584                          -                              5,976                          17,165                        10,376                        50,914                        -                              2,634                          5,075

                    Mercy Health – Tiffin Hospital

                  6770  For Periods Ending January 31, 2018        Total Supplies  Medical Surgical  Drugs  Implant - Stents Implant - CRM AICD/Pacemakers  Total CRM Implants  Implant - Orthopedic Joint  Implant - Other  Total Non-CRM Implants  Implant Total  Dietary  Blood  Endomechanical  Other Non-Medical  IV and IV Sets Physical Plant/Maintenance  Laboratory  Chemistry Supplies  Radiology  Office Minor Equipment Non-Medical  Suture  Instruments  Minor Equipment Medical  Freight  Housekeeping & Laundry  Contrast Media  Gases, Medical  Forms  Fuel (aircraft & auto)  Uniforms  Radiopharmaceuticals  Pack & Gowns  Anesthesia

                               701,106  95,817  405,204  2,100  -     2,100  18,791  11,217  30,008  32,108  23,019  14,187  634  11,341  6,606  24,923  45,284  883  367  10,442  8,853  420  1,953  4,690  3,315  6,988  8,509  1,738  689  216  -     1,697  183  -     353  (8,046)  (998)  (269)  180  536  25     278  303  22     803  11.7%  12.0%  873  3,539,597  12,250,703  15,790,301  5,841,377
                        MTD  PY

                               -6.4%  4.7%  -6.3%  -203.4%  44.8%  18.3%  -24.8%  -144.7%  -53.1%  -41.0%  2.4%  52.8%  100.0%  -4.1%  -128.8%  -13.7%  -17.8%  0.0%  -76.0%  47.9%  15.8%  106.9%  100.3%  -23.5%  -22.8%  11.9%  -37.0%  44.9%  36.6%  29.4%  100.0%  100.0%  51.3%  100.0%  0.0%  -64.2%  -114.7%  -36.2%  16.4%  9.7%  31.3%  -15.8%  -13.1%  -64.8%  -11.4%  4.0%  3.8%  -20.1%  34.8%  -5.9%  2.6%  2.5%
                        MTD  Var %

                        Month To Date  Variance  (47,208)                        4,246                           (29,322)                        (2,142)                          3,937                           1,795                           (9,155)                          (16,461)                        (25,616)                        (23,821)                        401                              5,136                           2,023                           (236)                             (9,664)                          (1,249)                          (7,675)                          -

                        Month To Date  Budget  735,256                       90,145                         462,253                       1,053                           8,782                           9,835                           36,842                         11,378                         48,220                         58,055                         16,507                         9,720                           2,023                           5,739                           7,502                           9,128                           43,239                         -                                1,496

                        Month To Date  Actual  782,465                           85,899                             491,575                           3,195                                4,845                                8,040                                45,996                             27,840                             73,836                             81,876                             16,106                             4,584                                -                                    5,976                                17,165                             10,376                             50,914
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