Page 14 - Mercy MOR All Regions_FinalwithVideo
P. 14

RUN DATE: 2/7/2018  RUN TIME: 3:31:02 PM  YTD  PY  19,780,042                   5,451,814                     5,147,494                     224,359                        554,117                        250,390                        1,028,866                     307,643                        1,789,729                     1,757,598                     3,854,969                     4,883,835                     433,199                        509,358                        330,921                        257,360                        349,052                        338,162                        567,929

                       YTD  Var %  -4.4%  -10.1%  6.5%  -16.7%  -65.3%  -29.4%  -46.7%  -7.4%  -7.6%  -30.5%  -18.2%  -24.7%  -22.6%  7.9%  17.9%  -10.2%  -49.9%  60.4%  -23.7%  5.9%  29.5%  23.1%  3.9%  4.3%  -18.6%  8.9%  35.2%  2.8%  17.5%  -14.5%  -30.6%  7.2%  7.8%  -65.2%  100.0%  -31.9%  184.1%  -30.8%  -340.8%  66.1%  7.2%  5.0%  -29.8%  4.6%  (0)                   (0)                   0                   3.3%  3.4%  -1.1%  8.7%  0.5%  4.6%

                       Year To Date  Variance  (858,396)                     (549,377)                     359,417                      (38,248)                       (387,947)                     (71,585)                       (497,780)                     (29,892)                       (113,399)                     (503,498)                     (646,789)                     (1,144,569)                   (101,275)                     44,443                        53,017                        (24,332)                       (172,005)                     92,569                        (132,667)                     18,120

                       Year To Date  Budget  19,596,771                 5,460,979                   5,571,323                    229,401                      593,888                      243,455                      1,066,743                   404,719                      1,500,787                   1,652,896                    3,558,402                   4,625,146                    448,572                      560,140                      296,356                      238,358                      344,387                      153,262                      560,766                      306,463                      194,471

                       Year To Date  Actual  20,455,167                 6,010,356                   5,211,906                    267,648                      981,835                      315,040                      1,564,523                   434,610                      1,614,186                   2,156,395                    4,205,191                   5,769,714                    549,848                      515,697                      243,339                      262,689                      516,392                      60,693                        693,432                      288,343                      137,071

                     For Periods Ending January 31, 2018        Total Supplies  Medical Surgical  Drugs  Implant - Stents Implant - CRM AICD/Pacemakers Implant - Open Heart/Heart Valves  Total CRM Implants  Implant - Spinal Implant - Orthopedic Joint  Implant - Other  Total Non-CRM Implants  Implant Total  Dietary  Blood  Endomechanical  Other Non-Medical  IV and IV Sets Physical Plant/Maintenance  Laboratory  Chemistry Supplies  Radiology  Office Minor Equipment Non-Medical  Suture  Instruments  Minor Equipment Medical  Linen & Laundry  Freight  Housekeeping & Laundry  Contrast Media  Gases, Medical  Forms  Fuel (aircraft &

                 63 - Cincinnati  Cincinnati

                              19,780,042  5,451,814  5,147,494  224,359  554,117  250,390  1,028,866  307,643  1,789,729  1,757,598  3,854,969  4,883,835  433,199  509,358  330,921  257,360  349,052  338,162  567,929  281,847  193,562  167,834  163,471  175,139  170,475  169,605  66,317  144,747  134,154  74,766  37,799  32,581  4,049  1,484  549  437  (28,911)  (245,574)  (22,476)  (10,939)  5,341  29,454  1,021  2,180  3,201  249  10,253  16.9%  17.9%  1,929  220,013,995  202,340,789  422,354,784
                       MTD  PY

                              -4.4%  -10.1%  6.5%  -16.7%  -65.3%  -29.4%  -46.7%  -7.4%  -7.6%  -30.5%  -18.2%  -24.7%  -22.6%  7.9%  17.9%  -10.2%  -49.9%  60.4%  -23.7%  5.9%  29.5%  23.1%  3.9%  4.3%  -18.6%  8.9%  35.2%  2.8%  17.5%  -14.5%  -30.6%  7.2%  7.8%  -65.2%  100.0%  -31.9%  184.1%  -30.8%  -340.8%  66.1%  7.2%  5.0%  -29.8%  4.6%  -6.2%  -14.3%  3.2%  3.3%  3.4%  -1.1%  8.7%  0.5%  4.6%
                       MTD  Var %

                       Month To Date  Variance  (858,396)                      (549,377)                      359,417                       (38,248)                        (387,947)                      (71,585)                        (497,780)                      (29,892)                        (113,399)                      (503,498)                      (646,789)                      (1,144,569)                    (101,275)                      44,443                         53,017                         (24,332)                        (172,005)                      92,569                         (132,667)

                       Month To Date  Budget  19,596,771                   5,460,979                    5,571,323                    229,401                       593,888                       243,455                       1,066,743                    404,719                       1,500,787                    1,652,896                    3,558,402                    4,625,146                    448,572                       560,140                       296,356                       238,358                       344,387                       153,262                       560,766                       306,463

                       Month To Date  Actual  20,455,167                     6,010,356                        5,211,906                        267,648                           981,835                           315,040                           1,564,523                        434,610                           1,614,186                        2,156,395                        4,205,191                        5,769,714                        549,848                           515,697                           243,339                           262,689                           516,392                           60,693
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