Page 110 - Mercy MOR All Regions_Final
P. 110

RUN DATE: 2/7/2018  RUN TIME: 6:50:53 AM  YTD  PY  3,964,107                     977,176                        1,230,090                     86,394                          242,454                        -                                 328,848                        78,160                          272,294                        381,623                        732,078                        1,060,926                     90,660                          63,858                          4,793                             27,561                          96,813                          33,048

                      YTD  Var %  13.5%  2.5%  25.0%  0.1%  45.2%  100.0%  3  31.0%  -18.7%  16.1%  1.3%  3.1%  10.9%  -13.8%  4.4%  -28.7%  15.8%  24.2%  -100.0%  -27.4%  13.1%  -199.3%  25.2%  -40.6%  6.6%  -152.0%  -18.9%  100.0%  27.5%  23.0%  -20.9%  -20.3%  4.7%  42.9%  96.0%  80.4%  -0.2%  41.4%  -81.5%  87.0%  100.0%  2  -4765.3%  -23.9%  -501.6%  66.2%  3.1%  -2.5%  -30.1%  2.8%  (0)                   (0)                  (6)  0                    -2.9%  -3.2%  14.0%  -3.5%  -7.1%  -5.8%  -10.7%

                      Year To Date  Variance  501,242                      25,142                         285,260                      70                                79,100                                                           79,173                         (21,312)                       37,525                         4,125                           20,338                         99,511                         (14,371)                       2,237                           (3,449)                         4,057                           21,758                         (19,322)                       (30,397)

                      Year To Date  Budget  3,710,590                   1,003,717                    1,141,474                   80,093                         175,125                      3                                   255,220                      114,031                      233,225                      310,431                      657,687                      912,907                      104,342                      50,821                         12,010                         25,682                         89,767                         19,320                         110,795                      68,470

                      Year To Date  Actual  3,209,348                   978,575                      856,214                      80,022                         96,025                         -                               176,047                      135,344                      195,700                      306,306                      637,349                      813,397                      118,713                      48,584                         15,459                         21,626                         68,009                         38,642                         141,193                      59,522

                 60 - Lorain  Lorain For Periods Ending January 31, 2018        Total Supplies  Medical Surgical  Drugs  Implant - Stents Implant - CRM AICD/Pacemakers Implant - Open Heart/Heart Valves  Total CRM Implants  Implant - Spinal Implant - Orthopedic Joint  Implant - Other  Total Non-CRM Implants  Implant Total  Dietary  Blood  Endomechanical  Other Non-Medical  IV and IV Sets Physical Plant/Maintenance  Laboratory  Chemistry Supplies  Radiology  Office Minor Equipment Non-Medical  Suture  Instruments Minor Equipment Medical  Linen & Laundry  Freight  Housekeeping & Laundry  Contrast Media  Gases, Medical  Forms  F

                             3,964,107  977,176  1,230,090  86,394  242,454  -  328,848  78,160  272,294  381,623  732,078  1,060,926  90,660  63,858  4,793  27,561  96,813  33,048  102,815  80,497  292  54,753  28,111  10,962  18,998  19,828  1,296  32,814  18,712  20,365  10,877  8,139  1,691  (4,852)  837  24,291  2,085  -  5,417  -  (5,690)  (45,116)  (2,260)  (5,681)  1,064  4,797  138  705  843  66  2,768  16.3%  17.5%  1,432  34,510,926  55,279,442  89,790,368  22,632,000
                      MTD  PY

                             13.5%  2.5%  25.0%  0.1%  45.2%  100.0%  31.0%  -18.7%  16.1%  1.3%  3.1%  10.9%  -13.8%  4.4%  -28.7%  15.8%  24.2%  -100.0%  -27.4%  13.1%  -199.3%  25.2%  -40.6%  6.6%  -152.0%  -18.9%  100.0%  27.5%  23.0%  -20.9%  -20.3%  4.7%  42.9%  96.0%  80.4%  -0.2%  41.4%  -81.5%  87.0%  100.0%  -4765.3%  -23.9%  -501.6%  66.2%  3.1%  -2.5%  -30.1%  2.8%  -2.7%  -6.1%  0.6%  -2.9%  -3.2%  14.0%  -3.5%  -7.1%  -5.8%  -10.7%

                      MTD  Var %

                      Month To Date  Variance  501,242                       25,142                          285,260                       70                                 79,100                          3                                     79,173                          (21,312)                        37,525                          4,125                            20,338                          99,511                          (14,371)                        2,237                            (3,449)                           4,057                            21,758                          (19,322)

                      Month To Date  Budget  3,710,590                    1,003,717                     1,141,474                    80,093                          175,125                       3                                     255,220                       114,031                       233,225                       310,431                       657,687                       912,907                       104,342                       50,821                          12,010                          25,682                          89,767                          19,320                          110,795

                      Month To Date  Actual  3,209,348                        978,575                           856,214                           80,022                             96,025                             -                                     176,047                           135,344                           195,700                           306,306                           637,349                           813,397                           118,713                           48,584                             15,459                             21,626                             68,009
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