Page 122 - Mercy MOR All Regions_Final
P. 122

RUN DATE: 2/7/2018  RUN TIME: 3:31:02 PM  YTD  PY  3,902,246                    1,292,077                     997,597                        95,102                          140,926                        2,160                            238,188                        -                                 38,275                          239,122                        277,397                        515,585                        188,515                        93,018                          23,889                          160,136                        81,163                          63,941

                        YTD  Var %  -7.0%  3.2%  -13.6%  19.0%  -66.9%  3.3%  -37.4%  95.0%  -39.7%  -42.9%  -34.4%  -36.2%  -24.1%  -2.1%  -14.9%  24.9%  -34.1%  65.2%  -31.1%  12.0%  25.2%  -12.2%  21.9%  20.2%  -163.2%  -19.6%  50.4%  18.2%  46.6%  -13.8%  61.7%  100.0%  2     15.4%  40.5%  203.2%  -31.8%  -385.2%  90.7%  9.2%  7.7%  -31.3%  15.8%  (0)                   (0)                   0                   13.9%  13.9%  1.4%  8.2%  6.9%  7.6%  -6.0%

                        Year To Date  Variance  (262,924)                     41,155                        (136,507)                     19,730                        (154,971)                     798                             (134,443)                     12,573                        (13,849)                       (77,069)                       (78,345)                       (212,789)                     (40,366)                       (1,793)                         (3,277)                         29,338                        (23,452)                       5,306                          (80,560)                       1

                        Year To Date  Budget  3,742,550                    1,274,895                    1,001,775                   103,974                      231,591                      24,198                        359,762                      13,237                        34,856                        179,796                      227,889                      587,651                      167,750                      86,293                        22,031                        117,632                      68,783                        8,139                          258,655                      14,788

                        Year To Date  Actual  4,005,474                    1,233,739                    1,138,282                   84,244                        386,562                      23,400                        494,206                      664                             48,705                        256,865                      306,234                      800,440                      208,116                      88,086                        25,308                        88,295                        92,235                        2,834                          339,215                      13,013

                  62 - Springfield  Springfield For Periods Ending January 31, 2018        Total Supplies  Medical Surgical  Drugs  Implant - Stents Implant - CRM AICD/Pacemakers Implant - Open Heart/Heart Valves  Total CRM Implants  Implant - Spinal Implant - Orthopedic Joint  Implant - Other  Total Non-CRM Implants  Implant Total  Dietary  Blood  Endomechanical  Other Non-Medical  IV and IV Sets Physical Plant/Maintenance  Laboratory  Radiology  Office Minor Equipment Non-Medical  Suture  Instruments  Minor Equipment Medical  Linen & Laundry  Freight  Housekeeping & Laundry  Contrast Media  Gases, Medical  Forms  Fuel (air

                               3,902,246  1,292,077  997,597  95,102  140,926  2,160  238,188  -     38,275  239,122  277,397  515,585  188,515  93,018  23,889  160,136  81,163  63,941  273,173  13,301  36,007  115,958  13,504  32,749  703  562  27,262  30,226  -     6,990  2,949  -     364  4,127  (166)  (60,953)  (8,483)  (1,947)  1,413  16,320  172  192  364  96     2,738  15.2%  15.8%  1,425  53,116,302  49,797,065  102,913,367  24,669,484
                        MTD  PY

                               -7.0%  3.2%  -13.6%  19.0%  -66.9%  3.3%  -37.4%  95.0%  -39.7%  -42.9%  -34.4%  -36.2%  -24.1%  -2.1%  -14.9%  24.9%  -34.1%  65.2%  -31.1%  12.0%  25.2%  -12.2%  21.9%  20.2%  -163.2%  -19.6%  50.4%  18.2%  46.6%  -13.8%  61.7%  100.0%  15.4%  40.5%  203.2%  -31.8%  -385.2%  90.7%  9.2%  7.7%  -31.3%  15.8%  -6.2%  -26.1%  8.5%  13.9%  13.9%  1.4%  8.2%  6.9%  7.6%  -6.0%
                        MTD  Var %

                        Month To Date  Variance  (262,924)                      41,155                         (136,507)                      19,730                         (154,971)                      798                              (134,443)                      12,573                         (13,849)                        (77,069)                        (78,345)                        (212,789)                      (40,366)                        (1,793)                          (3,277)                          29,338                         (23,452)                        5,306                           (80,560)

                        Month To Date  Budget  3,742,550                    1,274,895                    1,001,775                    103,974                       231,591                       24,198                         359,762                       13,237                         34,856                         179,796                       227,889                       587,651                       167,750                       86,293                         22,031                         117,632                       68,783                         8,139                           258,655                       14,788

                        Month To Date  Actual  4,005,474                       1,233,739                        1,138,282                        84,244                             386,562                           23,400                             494,206                           664                                   48,705                             256,865                           306,234                           800,440                           208,116                           88,086                             25,308                             88,295                             92,235
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