Page 134 - Mercy MOR All Regions_Final
P. 134

RUN DATE: 2/7/2018  RUN TIME: 3:31:02 PM  YTD  PY  13,266,587                   3,913,466                     3,889,651                     150,633                        383,940                        84,730                          619,303                        256,824                        511,187                        845,464                        1,613,476                     2,232,779                     540,523                        236,345                        74,478                          301,933                        118,230                        178,002                        955,600

                      YTD  Var %  -4.2%  9.6%  -2.6%  20.6%  -4.1%  -54.6%  -5.2%  -63.3%  -33.1%  -48.8%  -47.0%  -32.8%  -27.8%  5.2%  -69.0%  -13.5%  -71.3%  -2.3%  -21.4%  94.5%  1.2%  25.1%  -38.7%  -20.7%  11.6%  13.4%  -70.0%  -59.7%  16.7%  -14.8%  -106.4%  87.1%  10.8%  -127.6%  100.0%  100.0%  26.3%  100.0%  97.6%  100.0%  (6)  -18.2%  -39.6%  -322.8%  78.9%  16.9%  -1.4%  -17.0%  -12.0%  (0)                   (0)                  0                     3.5%  3.6%  4.4%  9.8%  -4.0%  2.3%  0.6%

                      Year To Date  Variance  (583,843)                     373,513                      (127,991)                     37,071                         (20,100)                       (57,454)                       (40,483)                       (163,887)                     (136,056)                     (408,741)                     (708,683)                     (749,166)                     (106,095)                     11,573                         (51,529)                       (37,492)                       (93,277)                       (1,165)                         (185,530)                     965

                      Year To Date  Budget  13,801,957                 3,902,525                    4,889,541                   179,864                      490,629                      105,296                      775,789                      258,835                      410,991                      836,827                      1,506,653                    2,282,443                   381,368                      221,914                      74,628                         277,843                      130,858                      50,160                         868,971                      1,021                           144,0

                      Year To Date  Actual  14,385,799                 3,529,012                    5,017,532                   142,793                      510,730                      162,750                      816,272                      422,722                      547,046                      1,245,568                   2,215,337                    3,031,609                   487,463                      210,341                      126,157                      315,335                      224,135                      51,326                         1,054,500                   56                                142,303

                     For Periods Ending January 31, 2018

                 67 - Toledo  Toledo        Total Supplies  Medical Surgical  Drugs  Implant - Stents Implant - CRM AICD/Pacemakers Implant - Open Heart/Heart Valves  Total CRM Implants  Implant - Spinal Implant - Orthopedic Joint  Implant - Other  Total Non-CRM Implants  Implant Total  Dietary  Blood  Endomechanical  Other Non-Medical  IV and IV Sets Physical Plant/Maintenance  Laboratory  Chemistry Supplies  Radiology  Office Minor Equipment Non-Medical  Suture  Instruments Minor Equipment Medical  Linen & Laundry  Freight  Housekeeping & Laundry  Contrast Media  Gases, Medical  Forms  Fuel (aircraft & auto)  Uniforms  Fil

                             13,266,587  3,913,466  3,889,651  150,633  383,940  84,730  619,303  256,824  511,187  845,464  1,613,476  2,232,779  540,523  236,345  74,478  301,933  118,230  178,002  955,600  2,881  145,742  120,872  93,138  60,185  238,516  78,446  975  93,881  99,477  39,354  15,052  51,965  51,017  9,257  70  1,697  12,459  -  1,121  -  (99,641)  (170,032)  (15,066)  (5,787)  3,335  14,751  582  2,047  2,629  178  6,634  14.6%  16.7%  2,000  199,583,540  197,416,466  397,000,006  79,649,291
                      MTD  PY

                             -4.2%  9.6%  -2.6%  20.6%  -4.1%  -54.6%  -5.2%  -63.3%  -33.1%  -48.8%  -47.0%  -32.8%  -27.8%  5.2%  -69.0%  -13.5%  -71.3%  -2.3%  -21.4%  94.5%  1.2%  25.1%  -38.7%  -20.7%  11.6%  13.4%  -70.0%  -59.7%  16.7%  -14.8%  -106.4%  87.1%  10.8%  -127.6%  100.0%  100.0%  26.3%  100.0%  97.6%  100.0%  -18.2%  -39.6%  -322.8%  78.9%  16.9%  -1.4%  -17.0%  -12.0%  -12.9%  -6.6%  9.0%  3.5%  3.6%  4.4%  9.8%  -4.0%  2.3%  0.6%

                      MTD  Var %

                      Month To Date  Variance  (583,843)                      373,513                       (127,991)                      37,071                          (20,100)                        (57,454)                        (40,483)                        (163,887)                      (136,056)                      (408,741)                      (708,683)                      (749,166)                      (106,095)                      11,573                          (51,529)                        (37,492)                        (93,277)                        (1,165)                           (185,530)

                      Month To Date  Budget  13,801,957                  3,902,525                     4,889,541                    179,864                       490,629                       105,296                       775,789                       258,835                       410,991                       836,827                       1,506,653                     2,282,443                    381,368                       221,914                       74,628                          277,843                       130,858                       50,160                          868,971                       1,021

                      Month To Date  Actual  14,385,799                      3,529,012                        5,017,532                        142,793                           510,730                           162,750                           816,272                           422,722                           547,046                           1,245,568                        2,215,337                        3,031,609                        487,463                           210,341                           126,157                           315,335                           224,135                           51,326
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