Page 254 - Mercy MOR All Regions_Final
P. 254

RUN DATE: 2/7/2018  RUN TIME: 3:31:02 PM  YTD  PY  3,281,756                      767,456                        1,679,427                     21,837                           27,906                           49,743                           88,601                           206,292                        246,180                        541,073                        590,817                        54,945                           61,443                           3,289                             50,051                           44,555                           18,482                           7,349

                               5.2%  20.7%  -1.9%  68.8%  64.1%  66.1%  92.1%  31.0%  -7.4%  23.3%  26.0%  1.4%  -32.6%  -94.1%  51.8%  -40.4%  13.2%  -726.9%  16.8%  16.3%  23.9%  -76.7%  51.4%  -116.1%  11.8%  -20.5%  27.9%  -200.6%  100.0%  81.6%  92.4%  0.0%  -45.4%  -38.3%  11.5%  -5.4%  -2.8%  -40.4%  -13.0%  (0)  (0)  2.0%  2.0%  -1.2%  0.9%  -0.7%  -0.1%  -7.0%
                       YTD  Var %

                       Year To Date  Variance  185,868                      167,960                       (38,368)                       9,085                           11,780                         20,865                         68,023                         55,144                         (15,601)                       107,566                       128,431                       709                               (19,742)                       (7,137)                          25,172                         (17,014)                       264                               (62,255)                       2,919

                       Year To Date  Budget  3,606,823                    811,620                       2,062,888                   13,203                         18,380                         31,583                         73,869                         178,054                       209,552                       461,475                       493,058                       49,544                         60,643                         7,582                           48,583                         42,159                         1,999                           8,564                           17,418                         9,249

                       Year To Date  Actual  3,420,955                    643,660                       2,101,256                   4,117                           6,600                           10,717                         5,846                           122,910                       225,152                       353,909                       364,626                       48,835                         80,385                         14,719                         23,411                         59,174                         1,735                           70,819                         14,499                         7,73

                   Mercy Health – St. Joseph Warren Hospital  For Periods Ending January 31, 2018        Total Supplies  Medical Surgical  Drugs  Implant - Stents Implant - CRM AICD/Pacemakers  Total CRM Implants  Implant - Spinal  Implant - Orthopedic Joint  Implant - Other  Total Non-CRM Implants  Implant Total  Dietary  Blood  Endomechanical  Other Non-Medical  IV and IV Sets Physical Plant/Maintenance  Laboratory  Office Minor Equipment Non-Medical  Suture  Instruments  Minor Equipment Medical  Freight  Housekeeping & Laundry  Contrast Media  Gases, Medical  Forms  Film, Radiographic  Anesthesia Dietary Utensils Non-Disp


                               3,281,756  767,456  1,679,427  21,837  27,906  49,743  88,601  206,292  246,180  541,073  590,817  54,945  61,443  3,289  50,051  44,555  18,482  7,349  17,241  9,794  8,761  13,852  28  6,161  8,379  8,340  20,424  -    2,241  950  568  (22,676)  (45,195)  (23,823)  (1,101)  786  3,441  126  424  550  2,059  22.5%  23.0%  1,594  26,449,957  42,849,666  69,299,624  14,263,273

                       MTD  PY

                               5.2%  20.7%  -1.9%  68.8%  64.1%  66.1%  92.1%  31.0%  -7.4%  23.3%  26.0%  1.4%  -32.6%  -94.1%  51.8%  -40.4%  13.2%  -726.9%  16.8%  16.3%  23.9%  -76.7%  51.4%  -116.1%  11.8%  -20.5%  27.9%  -200.6%  100.0%  81.6%  92.4%  0.0%  -45.4%  -38.3%  11.5%  -5.4%  -2.8%  -40.4%  -13.0%  -18.5%  -6.3%  2.0%  2.0%  -1.2%  0.9%  -0.7%  -0.1%  -7.0%
                       MTD  Var %

                       Month To Date  Variance  185,868                        167,960                        (38,368)                         9,085                            11,780                          20,865                          68,023                          55,144                          (15,601)                         107,566                        128,431                        709                                (19,742)                         (7,137)                           25,172                          (17,014)                         264                                (62,255)

                       Month To Date  Budget  3,606,823                     811,620                        2,062,888                    13,203                          18,380                          31,583                          73,869                          178,054                        209,552                        461,475                        493,058                        49,544                          60,643                          7,582                            48,583                          42,159                          1,999                            8,564                            17,418

                       Month To Date  Actual  3,420,955                        643,660                            2,101,256                        4,117                                6,600                                10,717                              5,846                                122,910                            225,152                            353,909                            364,626                            48,835                              80,385                              14,719                              23,411                              59,174                              1,735
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