Page 3 - Mercy MOR All Regions_Final
P. 3

RUN TIME: 3:31:02 PM
                  RUN DATE: 2/7/2018
                         Var %
                       Year To Date
                       Year To Date
                       Year To Date
                     For Periods Ending January 31, 2018
                  Mercy Health
                   Mercy Health

                              68,242,509 68,242,509                    -5.7% (3,968,181)                 69,453,389                73,421,570                Total Supplies  17,811,482                   -1.7% (299,560)                    18,076,808                18,376,368                Medical Surgical 17,811,482  22,201,790                   -5.0% (1,245,311)                25,004,912                26,250,223                 Drugs 22,201,790  932,343                        -2.6% (25,633)                      986,252                     1,011,885                  Implant - Stents  932,343  2,394,632                      -
                       MTD  PY

                              -5.7%  -1.7%  -5.0%  -2.6%  -25.6%  -12.1%  -17.8%  -16.7%  -4.3%  -39.5%  -23.3%  -21.7%  -22.7%  4.6%  -28.5%  7.4%  -40.2%  25.0%  -25.3%  7.5%  14.7%  25.3%  -18.5%  4.0%  -15.4%  -14.2%  23.0%  -1.3%  13.5%  -31.0%  -18.4%  21.7%  7.9%  4.0%  88.1%  3.7%  28.1%  -4.5%  97.6%  86.9%  44.1%  -39.4%  44.6%  -33.5%  -245.4%  -36.7%  6.3%  3.6%  -27.7%  0.2%  -7.0%  -8.8%  0.9%  6.1%  6.7%  -4.8%  8.8%  -1.8%  3.2%  -0.9%
                       MTD  Var %
                       Month To Date  Variance  (3,968,181)                    (299,560)                      (1,245,311)                   (25,633)                        (622,675)                      (85,343)                        (733,651)                      (269,102)                      (156,836)                      (1,941,000)                   (2,366,938)                   (3,100,589)                   (399,378)                      64,751                          (126,536)                      93,507                          (395,077)                      98,747                          (659,972)
                       Month To Date  Budget  69,453,389                  18,076,808                  25,004,912                  986,252                       2,434,352                     705,203                       4,125,808                    1,610,902                     3,622,516                    4,920,153                    10,153,571                  14,279,378                  1,757,211                    1,407,966                    443,622                       1,268,878                    983,611                       394,938                       2,611,070                    375,953                       377

                       Month To Date  Actual  73,421,570                      18,376,368                      26,250,223                      1,011,885                        3,057,027                        790,546                           4,859,458                        1,880,003                        3,779,353                        6,861,153                        12,520,509                      17,379,967                      2,156,589                        1,343,216                        570,158                           1,175,372                        1,378,688                        296,190
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