Page 50 - Mercy MOR All Regions_Final
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RUN DATE: 2/7/2018  RUN TIME: 6:50:53 AM  YTD  PY  4,120,004                    1,147,314                     870,126                        40,230                          274,589                        229,500                        544,319                        75,712                          211,267                        387,267                        674,245                        1,218,563                     106,135                        89,305                          122,948                        53,529                          78,080                          103,343                        36,39

                       YTD  Var %  -12.3%  -17.4%  -3.8%  -58.8%  -81.6%  -56.1%  -68.8%  29.9%  -38.3%  -24.1%  -16.0%  -37.7%  -9.7%  -14.4%  6.4%  0.4%  -57.2%  -35.9%  -10.9%  1.8%  48.4%  48.4%  24.8%  15.1%  26.7%  49.6%  -2.5%  -33.5%  -11.0%  -23.0%  63.5%  3.1%  36.6%  100.0%  100.0%  0.0%  4.0%  -25.1%  -397.8%  90.2%  3.0%  2.8%  -31.4%  -11.8%  (0)                   0                    6     (0)                  (3)  8.2%  8.1%  -12.4%  7.9%  1.1%  4.7%

                       Year To Date  Variance  (497,869)                     (209,194)                     (35,761)                       (29,673)                       (178,916)                     (101,645)                     (310,234)                     42,838                        (67,772)                       (78,840)                       (103,774)                     (414,008)                     (9,891)                         (10,631)                       6,930                          207                             (49,028)                       (6,907)                         (4,746)

                       Year To Date  Budget  4,041,646                    1,203,776                   950,591                      50,428                        219,369                      181,305                      451,102                      143,065                      176,886                      327,191                      647,142                      1,098,244                    101,995                      73,963                        108,413                      57,422                        85,741                        19,256                        43,572                        41,675                        7

                       Year To Date  Actual  4,539,515                    1,412,971                   986,353                      80,101                        398,285                      282,950                      761,336                      100,227                      244,658                      406,031                      750,916                      1,512,252                    111,886                      84,594                        101,484                      57,215                        134,769                      26,163                        48,318                        40,938                        37

                 6304 Mercy Health - Fairfield Hospital  For Periods Ending January 31, 2018        Total Supplies  Medical Surgical  Drugs  Implant - Stents Implant - CRM AICD/Pacemakers Implant - Open Heart/Heart Valves  Total CRM Implants  Implant - Spinal Implant - Orthopedic Joint  Implant - Other  Total Non-CRM Implants  Implant Total  Dietary  Blood  Endomechanical  Other Non-Medical  IV and IV Sets Physical Plant/Maintenance  Laboratory  Chemistry Supplies  Radiology  Office Minor Equipment Non-Medical  Suture  Instruments  Minor Equipment Medical  Linen & Laundry  Freight  Housekeeping & Laundry  Contrast Media  Gas

                              4,120,004  1,147,314  870,126  40,230  274,589  229,500  544,319  75,712  211,267  387,267  674,245  1,218,563  106,135  89,305  122,948  53,529  78,080  103,343  36,392  37,333  48,635  26,420  30,468  34,458  55,020  37,414  14,443  19,566  21,101  17,389  2,464  4,617  435  264  -     (32)     1,727  (53,717)  (2,603)  (1,135)  1,257  5,206  220  462  682  83     2,289  18.4%  18.6%  1,800  50,088,079  41,120,819  91,208,898
                       MTD  PY

                              -12.3%  -17.4%  -3.8%  -58.8%  -81.6%  -56.1%  -68.8%  29.9%  -38.3%  -24.1%  -16.0%  -37.7%  -9.7%  -14.4%  6.4%  0.4%  -57.2%  -35.9%  -10.9%  1.8%  48.4%  48.4%  24.8%  15.1%  26.7%  49.6%  -2.5%  -33.5%  -11.0%  -23.0%  63.5%  3.1%  36.6%  100.0%  100.0%  0.0%  4.0%  -25.1%  -397.8%  90.2%  3.0%  2.8%  -31.4%  -11.8%  -18.5%  6.3%  -0.1%  8.2%  8.1%  -12.4%  7.9%  1.1%  4.7%
                       MTD  Var %

                       Month To Date  Variance  (497,869)                      (209,194)                      (35,761)                        (29,673)                        (178,916)                      (101,645)                      (310,234)                      42,838                         (67,772)                        (78,840)                        (103,774)                      (414,008)                      (9,891)                          (10,631)                        6,930                           207                              (49,028)                        (6,907)                          (4,746)

                       Month To Date  Budget  4,041,646                    1,203,776                    950,591                       50,428                         219,369                       181,305                       451,102                       143,065                       176,886                       327,191                       647,142                       1,098,244                    101,995                       73,963                         108,413                       57,422                         85,741                         19,256                         43,572                         41,675

                       Month To Date  Actual  4,539,515                       1,412,971                        986,353                           80,101                             398,285                           282,950                           761,336                           100,227                           244,658                           406,031                           750,916                           1,512,252                        111,886                           84,594                             101,484                           57,215                             134,769                           26,163
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