Page 98 - Mercy MOR All Regions_Final
P. 98

RUN DATE: 2/7/2018  RUN TIME: 6:50:53 AM  YTD  PY  7,122,188                     2,079,487                      2,368,874                      108,895                         277,326                         13,365                            399,586                         186,794                         90,968                            562,905                         840,667                         1,240,252                      204,730                         70,477                            -                                   162,717                         85,147                            150,107

                      YTD  Var %  -13.6%  -9.9%  -4.8%  -38.3%  -11.2%  -1649.7%  -27.8%  -83.8%  -45.7%  -86.3%  -78.2%  -62.6%  -34.1%  -18.4%  -783.9%  15.4%  -43.1%  13.5%  -8.2%  -21.2%  18.2%  -3.3%  26.0%  -48.1%  -14.8%  3.9%  15.4%  -1.8%  -101.7%  14.3%  25.8%  -16.5%  65.7%  100.0%  9.0%  -3.3%  -38.7%  94.6%  -37.5%  -152.2%  71.6%  3.9%  7.0%  -26.1%  0.9%  9  (0)                    (0)                    (0)                    9.2%  9.7%  -18.9%  20.2%  1.0%  10.5%  3.5%

                      Year To Date  Variance  (1,048,943)                   (227,785)                      (131,772)                      (57,316)                        (27,659)                        (25,447)                        (110,422)                      (134,655)                      (76,393)                        (481,528)                      (692,576)                      (802,998)                      (60,812)                        (13,506)                        (34,862)                        28,023                           (42,971)                        10,832                           (51,817)

                      Year To Date  Budget  7,734,415                    2,309,131                     2,748,856                    149,460                       246,653                       1,543                             397,655                       160,652                       167,232                       557,849                       885,733                       1,283,388                    178,591                       73,518                           4,447                             182,176                       99,588                           80,447                           632,440                       17,9

                      Year To Date  Actual  8,783,359                    2,536,916                     2,880,628                    206,776                       274,312                       26,990                           508,077                       295,308                       243,625                       1,039,377                     1,578,309                     2,086,386                    239,404                       87,024                           39,309                           154,153                       142,559                       69,614                           684,257                       21,805

                    For Periods Ending January 31, 2018

                64 - Lima  Lima        Total Supplies  Medical Surgical  Drugs  Implant - Stents Implant - CRM AICD/Pacemakers Implant - Open Heart/Heart Valves  Total CRM Implants  Implant - Spinal  Implant - Orthopedic Joint  Implant - Other  Total Non-CRM Implants  Implant Total  Dietary  Blood  Endomechanical  Other Non-Medical  IV and IV Sets Physical Plant/Maintenance  Laboratory  Radiology  Office Minor Equipment Non-Medical  Suture  Instruments  Minor Equipment Medical  Linen & Laundry  Freight Housekeeping & Laundry  Contrast Media  Gases, Medical  Forms  Fuel (aircraft & auto)  Uniforms  Film, Radiographic  Radioph

                             7,122,188  2,079,487  2,368,874  108,895  277,326  13,365  399,586  186,794  90,968  562,905  840,667  1,240,252  204,730  70,477  -  162,717  85,147  150,107  686,185  6,672  61,847  113,920  61,402  22,901  4,412  61,168  59,713  30,358  25,107  19,876  24,097  12,281  984  -  54,265  51,381  (258,930)  (174,906)  (83,693)  (16,632)  (2,013)  1,688  7,177  273  1,045  1,318  112  3,330  15.7%  17.4%  2,139  81,079,980  78,886,503  159,966,483  40,936,464
                      MTD  PY

                             -13.6%  -9.9%  -4.8%  -38.3%  -11.2%  -1649.7%  -27.8%  -83.8%  -45.7%  -86.3%  -78.2%  -62.6%  -34.1%  -18.4%  -783.9%  15.4%  -43.1%  13.5%  -8.2%  -21.2%  18.2%  -3.3%  26.0%  -48.1%  -14.8%  3.9%  15.4%  -1.8%  -101.7%  14.3%  25.8%  -16.5%  65.7%  100.0%  9.0%  -3.3%  -38.7%  94.6%  -37.5%  -152.2%  71.6%  3.9%  7.0%  -26.1%  0.9%  -4.8%  -5.7%  -4.5%  9.2%  9.7%  -18.9%  20.2%  1.0%  10.5%  3.5%
                      MTD  Var %

                      Month To Date  Variance  (1,048,943)                    (227,785)                       (131,772)                       (57,316)                         (27,659)                         (25,447)                         (110,422)                       (134,655)                       (76,393)                         (481,528)                       (692,576)                       (802,998)                       (60,812)                         (13,506)                         (34,862)                         28,023                            (42,971)                         10,832

                      Month To Date  Budget  7,734,415                     2,309,131                     2,748,856                     149,460                        246,653                        1,543                              397,655                        160,652                        167,232                        557,849                        885,733                        1,283,388                     178,591                        73,518                            4,447                              182,176                        99,588                            80,447                            632,440

                      Month To Date  Actual  8,783,359                        2,536,916                         2,880,628                         206,776                             274,312                             26,990                                508,077                             295,308                             243,625                             1,039,377                         1,578,309                         2,086,386                         239,404                             87,024                                39,309                                154,153                             142,559
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