Page 20 - Memory of a Lifetime Funeral Combined Catalogs - Low Res_Neat
P. 20


                     100300                            100305
                   Painter Bronze                   Butterflies Pewter

                                                                                                                       100327, Life Canvas Mountain Pewter
                     100306                            100329
                   Mosaic Bronze                    Ocean Landscape
                                                    Pewter                         LET US CREATE SOMETHING CUSTOM
         LIFE CANVAS
                                                                                   FOR YOUR LOVED ONE.

                                                                                   Honor your loved one with a custom design from the Life Canvas
                                                                                   Series. This collection features a variety of 32 rich, and vibrant
                                                                                   designs. These are full-size urns made of durable brushed stainless
                                                                                   steel. Designed to be displayed individually or as a pair of
                                                                                   companion urns side by side in a home or niche. 

                     100330                            100325
                   Prairie Landscape                Desert Landscape                               MATERIAL            HEIGHT  WIDTH  DEPTH   CAPACITY
                   Bronze                           Pewter                                         STAINLESS STEEL     8.3"    5.2"   5.2"    200 ci
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25