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         BUSINESS                                           BUSINESS COMMUNICATION
         COMMUNICATION 101                                  KICKSTARTER

         Level:        3                                    Level:        3

         Credits:      9           Cost     $195            Credits:      8            Cost      $195

         - Theory: Yes                                      - Theory: Yes
         - Practical: Yes (workplace or simulated)          - Practical: Yes (workplace or simulated)

         Businesses function smarter when staff have the ability to   Communicate with a diverse range of people in a workplace
         communicate efficiently with customers as well as fellow   environment
                                                            You will become a more confident person in leading a
         Develop the ability to write internal communication and   presentation with an audience in a workplace situation.
         external correspondence, as well as a short report for a
         workplace.                                         Learn about the importance of communication with diverse
                                                            people from different cultures.
         Learners will be able to write business correspondence
         to convey complex ideas and/or information. You will also   From this course you will gain the following:
         learn the art and be able to write minutes for a formal   •   Demonstrate effective communication with people from
         meeting for a workplace.                              other cultures
                                                            •   Present to an audience
         From this course you will gain the following:      •   Show confidence in formal interview situations
         •   Write business correspondence
         •   Convey complex ideas to the workplace
         •   Show confidence in formal interview situations  NZQA unit 1304 v10 | 2 credits
         •   Increased knowledge of wording used (in formal   Communicate with people from other cultures
             meeting minutes)

                                                            NZQA unit 1307 v9 | 3 credits
                                                            Speak to a known audience in a predictable situation
         NZQA unit 11095 v8 | 3 credits
         Write business correspondence to convey complex ideas   NZQA unit 1296 v8 | 3 credits
         and/or information
                                                            Conduct informal interviews
         NZQA unit 1296 v8 | 3 credits
         Conduct informal interviews

         NZQA unit 3494 v8 | 3 credits
         Write minutes for a formal meeting

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