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TASIS – E. Safety Policy
10 August 2017
TASIS, The American School in England
E-SAFETY POLICY INCLUSIVE OF CYBER BULLYING, ACCEPTABLE USE AND SOCIAL MEDIA This policy applies to the whole school including the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
For purposes of this document, the term “Board of Directors” is deemed to have the same meaning as “Proprietor” in accordance with the ISSR, and is used interchangeably.
The Policy is publicly available on the school website and upon request a copy (which can be made available in large print or other accessible format if required) may be obtained from the School Office. All who work, volunteer or supply services to our school have an equal responsibility to understand and implement this policy and its procedures both within and outside of normal school hours including activities away from school.
For purposes of this document, the term “Board of Directors” is deemed to have the same meaning as “Proprietor” in accordance with the ISSR, and is used interchangeably.
Monitoring and Review: This policy is subject to continuous monitoring, refinement and audit by The Head of School, Deputy Head of School and the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The Board of Directors will undertake a full annual review of this policy and procedures, inclusive of its implementation and the efficiency with which the related duties have been discharged. This discussion will be formally documented in writing. The Board of Directors recognises that staff builds expertise by undertaking safeguarding training and managing safeguarding concerns. Any deficiencies or weaknesses recognised in arrangements or procedures will be remedied immediately and without delay. All staff will be informed of the update/reviewed policy and it is made available to them in either a hard copy or electronically.
Introduction: The purpose of this Policy is to safeguard students and staff at The American School in England (TASIS). It details the actions and behaviour required from students and members of staff in order to maintain a safe electronic environment and is based on current best practice drawn from a wide range of sources. In accordance with legislative requirements we have a whole school approach to e-safety. Our key message to keep students and young people safe is to be promoted and should be applied to both online and offline behaviours. Within our E-Safety Policy, we have clearly defined roles and responsibilities for online safety as part of the school’s wider safeguarding strategy and how this links with our main Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and other related documents.
This policy informs and supports a number of other school policies, including our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and our Preventing Extremism and Tackling Radicalisation Policy. The staff and student Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs) are central to the E-safety Policy and should be consulted alongside this policy. The E-safety Policy will be reviewed annually by the safeguarding team who will provide recommendations for updating the policy in the light of experience and changes in legislation or technologies. The Student Council will be consulted regarding any changes to the Student AUP. All staff should read these policies in conjunction with the E-Safety Policy. This
The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the TASIS website. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version.
Information Sharing Classification: PUBLIC
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