Page 39 - Policy Demo
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TASIS – E. Safety Policy 10 August 2017
TASIS would like your permission to use photographs of your child for marketing and publicity purposes including our website, prospectus, adverts, press releases and other marketing literature such as brochures and leaflets. We will not use names next to photographs of students on the website (in accordance with the DfE guidelines). This form is in addition to paragraph 6.15 in TASIS’s standard terms and conditions which states “Parents consent to The American School in England making use of information (textual or pictorial) relating to their child whilst they are at TASIS and after they have left for the purpose of marketing and publicity for TASIS.”
Parent/Guardian’s name: Pupil’s name:
Pupil’s year group/form:
Please tick the appropriate box.
I give my permission for TASIS to use photographs of my child for marketing and
publicity purposes
I do not give my permission for TASIS to use photographs of my child for marketing and publicity purposes
Signature: Date:
Data Protection Statement
In addition to paragraph 6.15 in TASIS’s standard terms and conditions relating to the use of data about you and your child, information about parents is collated, stored and used by TASIS for the purposes of keeping you informed of events and activities concerning TASIS and for fundraising. By signing this form, you consent to TASIS using your data in this way. This information will not be used for any other purpose or passed to any person outside the school without your consent.
I consent to TASIS using my data for the stated purposes
I do not consent to TASIS using my data for the stated purposes
Signature: Date:
The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the TASIS website. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version.
Information Sharing Classification: PUBLIC
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