Page 54 - تقرير سنوي 1
P. 54

1436 |1435 ‫التقرير السنوي لكلية التمـريض‬

                                Nursing Scientific Activities

# Department        Name of      Title of Conference     Venue             Type of     Date
                     Faculty        or Symposium                        Participation

   Community &

5  Psychological &  Mr. Othman   Competencies              College of   Attendance      09/04/1436
    Mental Health       Taani       Workshop             Nursing, KSU                  (29/01/2015)


   Community &

6  Psychological &  Mr. Othman Criteria for selection    King Saud      Attendance      02/08/1436
    Mental Health                                        University                    (20/05/2015)
                    Taani        of quality books


   Community &                     The first Scientific
                                 Day of the College of
7  Psychological &  Dr. Mona      Nursing, King Saud       College of   Attendance     -
    Mental Health     Talaat     University, «Towards    Nursing, KSU

   Nursing                             Excellence in
                                 Nursing Education.»

8   Community &       Prof. Dr.   Graduate Studies:         College of  Attendance      24/01/1436
   Psychological &  Elham Fayad  International Exper-    Medicine, KSU                 (17/11/2014)
    Mental Health

                                 SWAT Analysis of

   Community &                   the Application of

9  Psychological &  Prof. Dr.    the Apprenticeship      College of     Attendance 02/01/1436
    Mental Health                                                                             (26/10/2014)
                    Elham Fayad Program at the Col- Nursing, KSU

   Nursing                       lege of Nursing

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