Page 69 - تقرير سنوي 1
P. 69

1436 |1435 ‫التقرير السنوي لكلية التمـريض‬

                  Conferences held Inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    # Department               Name of        Title of Conference      Venue               Type of     Date
                                Faculty          or Symposium                           Participation

            Maternity & Child  Prof. Dr.          2nd International    Marriott Hotel,  Attendance      29/04/1436
    21 Health Care              Salma         Psychiatry Conference:        Riyadh                     (18/02/2015)
                   Nursing                       “SAH 2015 Stress,
                               Prof. Dr.        Anxiety and Health”
    22  Maternity & Child      Moawed         The First Coordination   Prince Salman    Attendance      27/01/1436
            Health Care                        Workshop to Activate     bin Abdulaziz   Attendance     (20/11/2014)
                               Prof. Dr.                                hall, Ministry  Attendance
        Nursing                 Salma            the Participation of                                   25/01/1436
                               Moawed         Faculty Members in the       of Higher                   (18/11/2014)
            Maternity & Child                                             Education,
    23 Health Care             Prof. Dr.        Research Centers of                                     16/01/1436
                                Salma         Excellence and Promis-        Riyadh                     (09/11/2014)
                   Nursing     Moawed          ing Research Centers
                                                         The First      Center, King
                                               Workshop to Activate          Faisal
                                                 the Participation of    Specialized
                                              Faculty Members in the      Hospital &
                                                Research Centers of
                                              Excellence and Promis-       Research
                                               ing Research Centers    Center, Riyadh

            Maternity & Child                 Saudi Nurse Open Day      King Fahad
    24 Health Care                             “Be a Nurse, Make a     Medical City,
                   Nursing                        Saudi Healthcare         Riyadh

                                              Innovation Conference

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