Page 10 - 1964
P. 10

To  the Yearbook  C om m ittee  and  the  C lass  of  1964

                                                   1 w ish  to  ex p ress m y appreciation to  all  th ose  who  are
                                                   putting  forth  the effort  to  make  this  1 lie  first  yearbook
                                                   of  Post  Junior  C ollege  a  s u c c e s s .  It  is  certain ly  a
                                                   challenging job a s  I am  su re you  are  interested  in
                                                   m aking th is  an  above average publication.

                                                   I a lso  w ish  all  the m em bers  of the c la ss  of  1964  God's
                                                   help  in th eir  endeavors  and  su c c e ss  in th eir  future.
                                                   I  am  su re  they  have  secured  knowledge that  w ill  help
                                                   them  to  carry on to a  happy  life  in both  th eir  business
                                                   and public a sso cia tio n s.

                                                   We w ill  alw ays  be  available,  w henever  you  feel  we
                                                   m ay  be o f help,  to a s s is t  you  in any problem s that
                                                   m ay  a r is e .

             HAROLD  B.  POST

                                          DONALD  J.  POST,  JR.

            DONALD  J.  PO ST,  SR.

                                                  The Senior  C lass  of  1964  is  to  be  congratulated on
                                                  being the fir st c la ss  in  the h isto ry  of Post  Junior
                                                  C ollege  to  publish a  Yearbook.

                                                  T h is effort  rep resen ts  a  m ajor  step  forward  and  is
                                                  certain  to bring with  it  a  lasting  feeling  of ach ieve-
                                                  m en t.

                                                  The  editors  and  staff of the yearbook  are  to  be
                                                  com plim ented,  a lso ,  on  bringing  to  fruition  this  work
                                                  that  w ill provide fond  m em ories  of cla ssm a tes  and
                                                  even ts  in  the years  to  com e.
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