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P. 196

Again, soly, lovingly he said, “Bad thoughts, but good girl. Don’t worry, I will help.” He proceeded to talk about the many ways to master the mind, to become a “mastermind.” He emphasized that God is neither punitive nor punishing, and that they must be gentle and loving with themselves while maintaining self- confidence.
Upon departure from the ashram, one of our daughters was concerned because she wasn’t tearful like her sisters. She worried that somehow she lacked devotion. One year later, Sai Baba looked at this daughter, and said, “She doesn’t show too much emotion.” Immediately our daughter burst into tears, and I tried to console her by saying, “Baba isn’t criticizing you.” Sai Baba leaned forward with his elbow on his knee, with his hand almost in a thumbs-up position, and said, “No, I like it!” Acknowledging our daughter’s steadiness, he stressed the importance of developing the equanimity to face life without histrionics or excessive emotionality.
Sai Baba frequently spoke about our daughters’ marriages, telling Sam to look for husbands, saying that he, too, was looking for good husbands, and finally playfully stating, “I will be your agent.” Once he spoke at great length about a friendship that one of our daughters had with a young man. “Do you like him?” “Sometimes,” she replied. Baba responded, “Life is a long journey,” emphasizing “long” by motioning with his hands. “It can’t be ‘sometimes.’ If you like him, I will help.” He proceeded to describe the boy’s background, never telling our daughter what she should do. Instead, he encouraged her to have confidence in her own discrimination. He talked about man’s fickle nature and the need to keep good company. Suddenly, in a so, lilting voice he playfully sang, “Twinkle, twinkle, lile star, how I wonder what you are,” as if looking skyward for a good man.
During another interview, Sam asked Sai Baba if he could discuss a Sai organizational maer. Baba emphasized the importance of family by quickly replying, “No business now; this is family time.” He patiently proceeded to ask the girls about their education, their interests, and even about our beloved

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