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experience and not just by being told stories and concepts. Strangely though, most people never question and seem almost totally unaware of the miracle and marvel of our existence.
For as long as I can remember, I have been amazed by my existence and have searched for its meaning. I have always been uneasy living merely a sensory, social, and intellectual existence. Surely there must be more. I looked for answers in my own Jewish religion and other great religions of the world, and then I took a serious look into answers provided by the Western behavioral sciences. Still, I was not satisfied and yearned for some deeper understanding.
I wondered if someone existed with more wisdom, someone considered a great sage or saint. Perhaps, I thought, if I could live with such an individual, I could learn through that relationship the meaning of my existence. So, aer nine years in the practice of psychiatry, I began to look for this person. I asked all my friends and acquaintances, “Have you ever seen a miracle?” I wanted a sign beyond mere intellectual talk, as I had heard so much in the course of my education and training and had not found satisfying answers about the ultimate meaning of my life. Perhaps such a sign would give me confidence that there was a higher life and also give me the courage to search more deeply.
Let me recall here my first experiences with Sai Baba, experiences that convinced me that he could provide the answers for which I was looking. I knocked, and the door opened.
In answer to my question, “Have you ever seen a miracle?” I heard many stories of individuals who supposedly had special powers. What stood out for me were the descriptions from numerous credible people I knew of extraordinary occurrences happening in the presence of an Indian holy man named “Sathya Sai Baba.” These events were of another dimension altogether: materializations of objects from thin air, being in two or more places at once, healing illnesses, and even raising

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