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I was planning to see him on that very same day at St. Peter’s Cathedral.
I felt a breaking down of my old ways of thinking. Could a divine presence actually fashion reality? Could Sai Baba have actually brought me to him? Could I think this way and yet not be paranoid? Could I think this way and still be a psychiatrist? So began my relationship with Sai Baba.
I soon learned that in response to his devotees’ many questions, he directs us to look inside ourselves for answers. To the most pressing question, “Who are you?” he answers, “How can you know who I am when you don’t even know who you are? When you know who you are, you will know everything.” When asked if he is God, he gives an extraordinary answer, “Yes, and so are you; you are also divine! The difference is that I know it and you do not. Look inside and find your divine nature.”
Signs of Sai Baba’s Divinity
Sai Baba proclaims that man is no less than divinity itself: fathomless, timeless, beyond birth and death. We are heir to everlasting life, infinite consciousness, boundless bliss, and eternal love. In order to believe and find faith to follow a spiritual path, I first had to be convinced of Sai Baba’s authority by experiencing his divinity. Sai Baba obliged. During my first visit, I not only experienced a miraculous initial meeting with Sai Baba, but during that trip and others that followed he showed me divine aributes of his omnipresence (everywhere at all times), omnipotence (all powerful), omniscience (all knowing), and boundless love.
His Divine Forms
To a few fortunate people Sai Baba has appeared in the flesh in a revered form of God, including Krishna, Shiva, and others as well. Following are several documented experiences of devotees who have witnessed these phenomena.

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