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 Jogarao then told an interesting story. One day, Swami said to him, “Jogarao, you have been with me a long time but you have no idea who I am. I will show you.” A few days later, Swami was with Jogarao and some of the students of Swami’s university when someone took a Polaroid picture of Swami. Swami took the picture and held it a moment. (See above photo of Swami holding the picture). Showing it to Jogarao, he said, “Look, this is my true form.” Jogarao was amazed to see that the figure in the photo was that of Lord Daatreya, a form of divinity with three heads, those of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, the trinity in the Hindu tradition. Especially meaningful was that Jogarao’s favorite form of divinity was Daatreya -- and each one of the faces of Daatreya had transformed into the face of Swami.
As Multiple Forms of Divinity
I have heard countless stories during my travels over the years, and each one inspires and touches me with a new poignancy. In the years 1996–1997, my wife Sharon and I spoke at Sai Conferences in Venezuela, Denmark, Holland, Germany, and England. We aended Sai Baba’s 75th birthday celebration in India in November 2000, when 168 countries were represented. During these times, as well as throughout the years, we have heard thousands of stories of Swami personally and miraculously touching and changing lives. Most devotees we have met have had a moving personal experience with Sai Baba that has heightened his or her spiritual life. The following

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