Page 328 - WLMIG_6132004.indd
P. 328

“I think that Swami wants us to be examples of his teaching so that people can see his simple message of love being lived through our lives. He will protect us along the way.”
I was very affected by Bill’s vivid dream. What an amazing turn of events, to receive a lesson from someone who, at one time, was one of my most deteriorated patients. I was deeply moved by the greatness of Sai’s teachings spoken through Bill’s simple loving words and by realizing that any one of us can be an instrument of Sai’s love. I was taught and inspired by my patient, and tears came to my eyes.
A Psychiatrist’s Interpretation
Swami tells us that his appearance in a dream is an actual visitation. Therefore, this kind of dream cannot be interpreted like others. He says that there are different meanings to different kinds of dreams. For instance, there is a dream in which he appears as palpable as he does in the waking state and gives detailed instruction on what to do. This kind of vivid, vision dream must be considered an actual occurrence, the guidance to be carried out fully and diligently. There are dreams in which he appears simply to give happiness, to play, and to have fun with the devotee.
Even though I know I must be cautious in giving a psychiatric interpretation to Bill’s dream, I offer it here because it makes sense considering what I know about Bill’s life and the influence Sai Baba has had on it.
The dream starts with Bill siing on a hill on an island at night. This scene could represent Bill’s alienation from the world. In this remote seing, Bill finds Swami filled with love and life. Here Swami is addressing Bill’s loneliness. He guides Bill into making contact with a family, giving him a sense of loving community. Swami awakens Bill’s inner active and creative child that had retreated because of troubled early relationships. Bill now wants to be a member of a family and share love with the community.

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