Page 369 - WLMIG_6132004.indd
P. 369

This gave Dr. K. Hanumanthappa an opportunity to inquire about the man’s experience. “Excuse me for asking, but I couldn’t help noticing that you were overcome with emotion upon leaving Swami. What happened?”
The politician related that quite recently his wife had been ill and close to death. She asked that he take her one last time to see Swami. He was planning to do so, but on the day of departure he received a call about political business to which he aended. He was planning to immediately take her to Swami upon his return. While away, his wife died. He was just now bringing her ashes to Swami.
He had just arrived, and Swami invited him in for an interview. Swami said, “Why didn’t you bring your wife to me and fulfill her last request? She was a good devotee and a good wife who served you and your children faithfully for over 40 years. She just wanted to be with me one last time, and you didn’t bring her. Why didn’t you take the time to fulfill her last wish?”
Overcome with guilt and grief, the politician turned his eyes to the floor and began to cry. Swami told him to look up. Upon raising his eyes, he saw his wife, in the flesh, walk out of Swami’s body and come to him. She took his hand and spoke soly. “I am with Swami now and very happy. Don’t be sad. I am very happy.” She then disappeared back into Swami’s body.
Dr. K. Hanumanthappa had seen the man leave the interview room overwhelmed by uncontrollable weeping because of the grace that Swami showed him.
Very Happy in the Light
At the time of Swami’s 75th birthday in November 2000, I had the opportunity of talking to Gopala Krishna Yachendra. How entrancing to hear stories from Gopala Krishna about the 10-year period in his late teens and early 20s when he spent close time with Swami. Story aer story brought us deeper into exquisite devotion for Swami.

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