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P. 377

I will walk with you like a friend
And lead you like a guide.
I will guard you from evil and temptation.
I will be your staff and support.
You will come near me, you will approach me,
You will understand my mystery.
You will enter into me and achieve my nature.
You will find union in me. (Krishna, Gita Vahini, chap. 1)
Merging into Om
This story is about witnessing Dr. Jack Hislop going through the dying process. It exemplifies how loving God brings us to selfless service in society, which leads to sacrifice and purification, and culminates in mergence, the realization that I and He are one.
I had known Dr. Hislop (called Jack by his friends)
for about 25 years, not only in the role of president of the USA Sai Council, but also as a personal friend. I served with him from the time we were first appointed to the USA Central Council in 1975 by Swami. I participated with him in Sai activities in many different places in the world, including the USA, India, and Rome. He served as a wonderful role model for me. Over the years, I admired his one-pointed dedication and devotion to Swami and its expression in tireless service to devotees.
Dr. Hislop died at the age of 90. At age 89, less than 9 months before his passing, Jack was invited to give a series of talks in Japan. By this time, he was ill and weakened by cancerous lymphoma. He fell frequently and had difficulty geing up. Devotees did not know of his condition because Jack kept it private, not wanting to worry others. Given he was feeling so weak, he sent word to Swami that he was not particularly keen about going to Japan and asked Swami’s guidance. Swami simply replied, “Go!” Though feeling weak and wobbly, Jack followed the master.

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