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of us great joy, and we chuckled with delight as we recounted Swami’s leelas. Even though Jack had a serious problem, we two grown men talked and giggled like children. We must have looked a bit peculiar to the doctors and nurses who were tapping on Jack’s back and looking over his body.
Jack told me many of the incredible experiences he had with Swami, such as how on his first meeting he felt a fluer in the center of his heart, “like the gentle breeze from the wings of a buerfly.” He knew this feeling was the stirring of love in his then cold Western heart and knew that Swami was present in his heart as love. “Only God lives in your heart,” Jack said, and from that moment he knew that Swami was divinity and dedicated himself in full measure to the master.
Then there was a time when Swami saved Jack from a head- on auto collision in India. The next day Swami showed that he, indeed, had saved Jack. He knew all about the incident, down to the last detail, and that Jack had failed to call out to Swami. By recounting as such, he taught Jack about his omnipresence and that we should be aware of him at all times. This theme, the importance of constantly remembering Swami during every moment, became a continuing one in all of Jack’s stories.
I was most thrilled by Jack’s narration of seeing Swami appear to him as Krishna. Every time I heard this story, I was deeply touched. Not only was the miracle amazing, but also seeing Jack so revitalized by its memory was awe-inspiring. While Jack was siing in the front seat of a car, he turned to look at Swami, who was seated in the back. What Jack saw was the most beautiful blue form of God beyond imagination. He was overwhelmed. “It took my breath away. He was so beautiful that it twisted my heart,” Jack said. Later Swami confirmed to Jack that he actually saw Krishna. Jack reliving the moment brought us both in immediate contact with Lord Krishna.
Then Jack told me of when he was asked by a group of people from Italy to give a talk in one of the large sheds on the ashram grounds. Aer Jack gave the talk, Swami invited

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