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P. 78

Mind and Atma
In one of my early interviews with Swami, in December 1978, he explained the relationship of the mind to Atma. He said that the outer impermanent world seen by the mind through the senses is only relative, not absolute. The mind sees separateness, which is duality, whereas absolute reality is actually one. The mind compares and contrasts, divides and dissects, weighs and measures. It sees external objects in terms of different names and forms. Yet, there is a way of experiencing unity through the path of love.
In discussing this transcendental state of oneness, Swami says, “The scientist says, ‘What is this?’ —this which lies in the outer world and is seen through the senses? The spiritual aspirant says, ‘What is that?’ —that which lies beyond the outer world and the senses, beyond duality and the mind as well? ‘That’ (Atma, the Soul) is the ocean from which all ‘this’ arises.”
Continuing to focus on man’s divinity, which lies beyond duality, Swami says, “You are three in one: the one that you think

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