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P. 82

wellspring of love, the pure divine light within, which is the source of all peace and happiness, we are in eternal bliss and have no need for outer objects. Controlling the senses helps us turn awareness inward so that it can rest in divine love. Swami says that when we are centered in this inner love, we transcend all desire, even biological desires. A jivanmukta, one who has aained this level of awareness, has no more desire for even eating or breathing, but lives to give love to others. Realizing that we are one with this all-embracing love is the goal of life.
“The mind is the key,” says Swami. When mental awareness is turned to the senses and outer objects, we are immersed in duality and suffering. Turn the mind inward to God, and we experience love, unity, and freedom. We can transcend that part of the mind that sees the one as many, what Swami refers to as “the mad monkey mind.”

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