Page 26 - A Broadway Valentine
P. 26

Contributors to the Symphony

       Pastorale Level                                    Serenade Level
       ($100+)                                            ($50+)
       David Ales                                         John & Joni Axel
       Michelle Almandinger                               Mike & Marcia Biklen
       Teresa Barnes                                      Larry & Judy Carter—in memory of
       Beckey Insurance & Financial Services              Therese Blake
       Alan & Judy Brotherton                             Flowers on the Avenue
       Doug & Linda Buchele                               Frys Builders
       Larry & Judy Carter                                Karen Gray
       Tim & Vera Edwards                                 Ruthann Hoffman—in memory of
       Mary Gieselman                                     Therese Blake and Max Churchill
       Diana Gradert                                      Art & Mary Hovick
       David & Teresa Hanson                              Scott & Jessica Ingstad
       Warren & Pam Heidbreder                            Hometown Hundreds
       Mike & Sue Johannsen                               David & Margaret Kundel
       Deanna Koch—in memory of                           Shelley Lawson
       Wilhelmina Nichols                                 Bill & Suzanne Liegois
       Roger & Sarah Lande                                Jay & LeaAnn Logel
       Norma Lewis                                        Network for Good
       Albert Lin                                         Tjode Nus
       John & Deborah Misali—in honor of                  Ryno & Anne Olson
       Betty Hoffman                                      Lynn Shafer
       Craig & Natalie Oppel                              Diane Watson
       David & Gail Pusateri
       John & Karen Schaub
       William & Melissa Snydacker
       Joe & Angela Woodhouse
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