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The desire to create meaning ( faire sens), means that you change the world and it supposed to make money. thanks to that. But if you start with the desire to make money, you probably won’t make money, won’t make meaning, won’t change the world so you’ll fail.
Most examples take into account to define the term of “Innovation” are Apple, Google, YouTube.. with their different meaning like “Computer”, “Information”, “Video” they want to share.
Have a mantra; an explication with different key words of why your meaning should exist. (Ex : Nike - Authentic Athletic Performance)
Manner of perspective (Jump to the next Curve); try to find the way to have no limitations.
Roll the Dice; Great innovations are deep, lot of features, lot of functionality, they are also intelli- gent (someone understand my pain, my problems) - great innovations are complete and empowe- ring, a total development of the product. They made you more creative, more performant and pro- ductive. And finally an innovation as to be elegant, someone care about the user and the aesthetic he’ll be attract.
Important to notice that there is always a little bit of elements of crappiness in the revolution. Impossible to have a perfect product right after the creation. And it keep some place to improve it in the future.
  The Art of Innovation

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