Page 52 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 52


        India to share NRI bank account information with other countries

        •    India to share NRI bank account information under CRS agreement
        •    NRI bank account information may soon be available to your home country
             tax authorities.

        NRI’s PIOs & OCI holders who hold passports of Australia, Canada, Germany,
        UK and many more countries will soon have their Indian- NRI bank account
        information made available to the tax authorities of their home countries. A Step
        by many countries to stop people from evading taxes by hiding their money in

        foreign bank accounts.

        Kenya becomes the 94th jurisdiction to join the most powerful

        multilateral instrument against offshore tax evasion and avoidance –
        Kenya signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administration

        Assistance in Tax Matters- Kenya is the 12 African country to sign the
        Convention and the 94 jurisdiction to join it.

        ICAI-CPE Global connect-Leader Speak

        ICAI CPE Global Connect is an Initiative of ICAI and CPE to have
        series of webcast which will have leaders across the Globe to talk on

        subjects of varied interest and connect with our fraternity members.

        The first edition of the CPE Global connect was hosted by Doha

        Chapter of ICAI on May 28,2018 with CA Dr. R Seetharaman, CEO
        Doha Bank addressing the webcast on "Emerging Indian from an

        NRI perspective"

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