Page 26 - Thyme_Autumn_2022_Magazine
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LIFESTYLE RESORT UPDATE                                                                                                                                                                                 Life&Style  |  AUTUMN 2022

                                                                                                                               RESORT MANAGER UPDATE                                  WHAT’S ON

                                                                                                                               Our community’s social     is great to see everyone    R  Mondays &              R  Saturdays: Happy
                                                                                                                               scene has started the      get involved.                 Thursdays: Line            Hour
                                                                                                                               year with a bang. We                                     Dancing                 R  Sundays: Barefoot
                                                                                                                                                          I would like to thank
                                                                                                                               had Zumba in January                                   R  Tuesdays: Water           Bowls
                                                                                                                               and the popular line       everyone who came             Aerobics, Lawn Bowls    R  Fortnightly Shopping
                                                                                                                                                          along to the special
                                                                                                                               dancing in February.                                   R  Wednesdays:               with Pete
                                                                                                                               Genealogy has been a       happy hour hosted by          Midweek Movies          R  Craft Lessons
                                                                                                                                                          myself. It was a great
                                                                                                                               great success with many                                R  Fridays: Ladies’ Pool,   R  Genealogy Chat and
                                                                                                                               homeowners learning        time to spend together        Men’s Pool                 Info Session
                                                                                                                                                          and talk about all the
                                                                                                                               about their family history.
                                                                                                                               Craft lessons have         exciting things that have
                                                                                                                                                          been happening around
                                                                                                                               started and soon we’ll
                                                                                                                               get to see calendars,      this great community.
                                                                                                                               birthday cards and         Annette Holland
                                                                                                                               notebooks being made.

                                                                                                                               New card games like
                                                                                                                               Mahjong and Bolivia has
                                                                                                                               sparked a lot of friendly
                                                                                                                               competitions. Plus every
                                                                                                                               Friday afternoon games
        THYME                                                                                                                  of pool are hosted in the
                                                                                                                               Blue Gum Pavilion which
        Moreton Bay                                                                                                            COMMUNITY GARDEN

                                                                                                                               It is wonderful to see our community garden
                                                                                                                               coming to fruition and ready for harvest. We have
                                                                                                                               fresh smelling limes as well as assorted herbs such

        SALES UPDATE                                          AFTERNOON TEA TOUR                                               as sage, parsley, mint, and oregano. Perfect for
                                                                                                                               cooking and happy hour sessions!
        The beginning of the year has been an exciting        Join us for a meet and greet with the homeowners,
        time at Thyme Moreton Bay with almost 90% of          tour the resort including the Country Club and
        stage 3 already sold. Buyers have been drawn          Blue Gum Pavilion and take a sneak peek of our                                                                          JUMBUCK SQUARE UPDATE
        to the tranquil Sheep Station Creek sites and the     homes currently under construction.                                                                                     Recently, a flagpole was installed at Jumbuck
        close access to the community’s park and facilities.                                                                                                                          Square for homeowners to gather, honour and
        Construction of our latest stage is well underway     Tour Dates: Wed 23 Mar & Thurs 14 Apr at 2.30pm                                                                         commemorate significant national events.
        with all homes anticipated to be completed before     Reserve your free tickets today.
        the end of the year.                                  1300 295 807 |

        We have already received a lot of interest for                                                                         Kookaburra
        the highly anticipated Stage 4 release with
                                 Expressions of Interest                                                                           2      2       2
                                 received. To secure pre-                                                                      A spacious open kitchen with access to the
                                 sale access to our next
                                                                                                                               undercover alfresco from the living room. The master
                                 stage release, place your                                                                     bedroom has plenty of storage with a huge built-in
                                 Expression of Interest
                                                                                                                               robe plus an ensuite. Open plan living at its best.
                                 with me on 1300 295 807.
                                                                                                                               DON'T MISS OUT! Only 1 Kookaburra home left in
                                 Lyn Morrison
                                                                                                                               Stage 3. Call 1300 295 807 for more information.

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