Page 12 - Thyme_NovDec_2021_Magazine
P. 12

Life&Style  |  NOV/DEC 2021


        has arrived

        Here are some tips to get your

        garden looking gorgeous!

                                                 SPRING IS the season             T Sow or plant beetroot,
                                                 of rejuvenation. Warmer          lettuce, radish, silverbeet,
                                                 temperatures are calling bulbs  spring onions and warrigal                                                                          AN EASY GUIDE              are ideal for novice
                                                 to action, stimulating new       greens. Stagger sowing two                                                                         TO GROWING                 gardeners. Just scatter
                                                 leaf growth, and encouraging     weeks apart for a longer                                                                           VEGIES                     the seeds and rake the
                                                 seedlings to sprout. This is     season.                                                                                                                       surface lightly.
                                                 the time to get out in the                                                                                                          Growing your own veg
                                                                                  T If you’re not quite ready                                                                                                   T In frost-prone areas,
                                                 garden and take charge of all                                                                                                       is a wonderful way to
                                                 that activity.                   to plant, dig holes now and                                                                        stay healthy. Follow       start cold-sensitive
                                                                                  fill them with compost, food                                                                       these tips for planting    plants indoors to help
                                                 T Kick-start spring growth       scraps and other organic                                                                                                      them grow strongly
                                                                                                                                                                                     success, from soil to
                                                 by feeding everything with a     materials. Sprinkle a little                                                                       seeds and more.            while the soil outside
                                                 slow-release organic fertiliser.   blood and bone on top and                                                                                                   warms up. Sow seeds in
                                                 Aged chook and cow manures  water well to make pockets                                                                              T If you don’t have        pots or toilet rolls and
                                                 are great or make a seaweed      of nutrients to plant into next                                                                    good soil, compost         place them on a well-lit
                                                 brew. Clear out your compost     month.                                                                                             is the universal soil      windowsill.
                                                 and spread it around. Water                                                                                                         improver. Dig it in
                                                                                  T Give the aphids a blast of                                                                                                  T If you’re growing
                                                 and mulch well.                                                                                                                     before each new
                                                                                  soap or pyrethrum spray and,                                                                                                  vegetables from
                                                                                                                                                                                     crop is planted, and
                                                 T Prune winter – and early       when nothing else is handy,                                                                        over time, it will make    seedlings, it’s not
                                                 spring – flowering plants such   squash them or spray with a                                                                                                   always the best value
                                                                                                                                                                                     digging simple and
                                                 as diosma and chaenomeles        sharp jet of water from the                                                                        food growing more          to buy the tallest ones.
                                                 (flowering quince) as they finish  hose. Inspect susceptible                                                                                                   While seedlings are
                                                 flowering. Even if you don’t     plants regularly and repeat                                                                                                   still small – as long as
                                                 have time to do anything else,   controls every four to five                                                                        T Vegies from the          they are big enough
                                                 make sure you snip or pinch off  days.                                                                                              cabbage family, from       to handle – they are
                                                 dead and dying flowers. This                                                                                                        Asian greens to radish,    likely to grow faster and
                                                 is a very simple way to tell the                                                                                                    are so easy to grow        suffer less transplant
                                                 plant to flower more!                                                                                                               from seed that they        shock.

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