Page 35 - The_Anchorage_Winter_2022_Magazine
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LIFESTYLE RESORT UPDATE                                                                  Life&Style  |  WINTER 2022

                                                              SUNSET TOURS

                                                              With our new Kombi in town, you’ll be able to
                                                              experience an exclusive tour exploring Thyme
                                                              Evans Head. Have a view of our display home, chat
                                                              with our homeowners and have a sneak peek of
                                                              our current construction. Ensure you are wearing
                                                              covered footwear on the day.

                                                              Every Wednesday at 3pm. Book to secure your
                                                              spot as places are strictly limited.
                                                              1300 070 928 |

                                                              NEW HOMEOWNERS

                                                              Congratulations to our new homeowners.


        We recently hosted a Long Lunch at Thyme Evans
 Evans Head   Head with our Serenitas CEO Rob Nichols and the

        wider Thyme Lifestyle Resort team in attendance.
        Food was catered by Carve It Up Catering who had
        done a fantastic job on the day. Everyone had a                                            Joh and Les
        terrific time together over great food, wine, sunshine
        and great company.
 SALES UPDATE  Congratulations to our
        Easter prize winner Tracey
 It is such a joy to see homeowners in Stage 1
        and Grant whom we
 settle into this beautiful coastal community. Stage   were delighted to win the
 2A sold out in record time with strong interest
        Serenitas Easter Hamper.
 already received for our next release – Stage 2B.
 If you would like pre-release access to new stage   Natasha Miller  Helen                                Grant
 releases please call me on 1300 070 928.
 Our Clubhouse is scheduled to start construction
 later this year (subject to council approval). Our resort   Snapper Rocks
 facilities will include outdoor pool, indoor/outdoor
 dining spaces, community kitchen, bowling green, art    2      1      2       2
 & craft studio, BBQ areas and fitness studio.   You will entertain in style
 Over the coming months   in this home with its unique
 a lot is happening on site   indoor/outdoor living
 and the best way to see   experience and stylish kitchen
 everything is to book an   with butler’s pantry. Enjoy the
 appointment with me on   luxuriously spacious master
 1300 070 928.  bedroom with a walk-in robe
        and a well-proportioned
 Tracey Cribb  ensuite.

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