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Life&Style  |  WINTER 2022

        Social THYME

        SPECIAL FEATURE: It's all happening at Thyme Moreton

        Bay with their active and vibrant Social Club

        ROBYNNE MATHERS moved into Thyme
        Moreton Bay in 2020 and recently stepped
        up to become the Social Coordinator. The
        community at Thyme Moreton Bay is very
        active with many of the activities organised
        by the Social Club or by the homeowners
        who band together to make things happen.
        Activities include arts and crafts, genealogy,
        tai chi, pool, the cruise club, barefoot
        bowls…the list goes on!

        “Our social calendar is jam packed, we
        have so much happening that we only
        have midnight on Sunday free! Since taking                                                    Robynne,
        over as Social Coordinator in January                                                      John & Lucy
        line dancing and table tennis has been
        introduced into our roster of activities based
        on the suggestion of several homeowners.     and desserts to share. There were also
        It’s great because there really is something   prizes for the best hats and a raffle to get
        for everyone, and it’s an opportunity for all   everyone excited.”
        to be involved, should they wish to.”
                                                     “For me, it’s so great seeing everyone
        “Three of our homeowners organise and        together and helping each other out, almost
        run the line dancing and we get up to 15     like one big family! We host a dinner on the
        people participating in the Country Club,    first Saturday of every month which is always
        both men and women each week. Together  a great opportunity for our homeowners
        we all organise the activities so they are on   to enjoy a special meal and catch up. If
        multiple days a week and at different times,   we need anything like setting the table, or
        to make sure that everyone can come at       washing up, everyone is always more than
        some point.”                                 happy to put their hand up to help.”

        “Our community is incredibly supportive,     “I moved into Thyme Moreton Bay with my
        almost everyone that participates also       husband and beautiful border collie Lucy
        comes along to help and do what they         just two years ago. Moving in has been
        can. For Easter, we had an Easter bonnet     the best thing we’ve done. Having access
        parade with around 75 homeowners             to these social activities is so important in
        participating. There was lots of music and   bringing us together, fostering relationships
        dancing, people brought along finger food    and keeping our minds and bodies active.
                                                     We’re a relatively small community so it’s
                                                     great getting to know people and staying
                                                     connected with others. We all look out for
                                                     each other and there’s a huge amount of
                                                     support that is shared between us.”

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