Page 27 - The_Anchorage_NovDec_2021_Magazine
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LIFESTYLE RESORT UPDATE                                                                 Life&Style  |  NOV/DEC 2021


        I will be hosting tours of Thyme Evans Head
        commencing in November. Come and explore the
        area, see the current developments and discover
        the gems that Evans Head has to offer.

        Spots are strictly limited so to register your
        interest visit or call me on
        1300 070 928.

        Peter & Diana are
        set to move in by                                             3      2       2
        the end of year                                           One of the most popular home designs is the
        with their loveable                                       Tangalooma, with its well-appointed three
        pet dog Monty.                                            bedrooms, two bathrooms and two car garage
        They’ve chosen the                                        space. Step out of the double garage and
        Snapper Rocks home                                        have a full-sized laundry to your left and a
        design – perfect for                                      bathroom to your right, perfect for washing off
        entertaining their                                        sandy toes. Then enter your beautiful home
 THYME   who come to visit. Especially Monty who can’t            kitchen with butler’s pantry that spills out onto
                                                                  into a spacious open plan with stunning galley
        family and friends
                                                                  the alfresco area. This house flows beautifully
        wait to be running and playing around in the
 Evans Head   spacious new home.                                  and with the high-end appliances, you will be
                                                                  very content to laze away the beautiful days
        “It’s an exciting time and we very much looking
        forward to a relaxed lifestyle at Thymes Evans            that Evans Head has to offer.
        Head and also be able to explore our new


 Everything is starting to come
 together at Thyme Evans
 Head with Stage 1 already sold
 out. It has been exciting to
 meet with new homeowners
 as they finalise their designs                                   Turquoise Bay
 and colour selections for their
 new homes. Building onsite is                                        3      2       1       1
 progressing well and we are                                      The jewel in the crown. This home boasts an
 on track to welcome our first                                    RV double garage that ensures your prized
 homeowners before Christmas.   DEVELOPMENT UPDATE                RV or caravan are right at your fingertips. A
 We are also just a few weeks                                     stunning layout with spacious rooms and as
 away from releasing Stage   Progress of Stage One remains on track with   with all our architecturally designed homes the
 2 which has already seen   civils currently underway in Stage Two. We are   right attention to detail. Raked ceilings and a
 overwhelming interest with   in the process of finalising the design of the   classic design where you can live your best life
 over 40 expressions of interest   Clubhouse which will be a luxurious destination   by pulling the door closed on a stunning home
 received. If you would like pre-  for all homeowners to enjoy. Some of the facilities   in a gated community while you embark on all
 sale access you can place an   that will be featured include a bowling green,   the fun and excitement that travelling Australia
 expression of interest by calling   swimming pool and alfresco dining spaces. More   can bring. There’s nothing undersized about
 me on 1300 070 928.  Don and Rosemary Lanarch – future Thyme homeowners with Tracey Cribb  news to be announced in the coming months.   this stunning home.

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