Page 91 - MODULE1_Insurance Introduction_CHA
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insurers/reinsurers/ insurance agents and insurance
brokers. The Insurance Supervisory Authority (ISA, which is
part of the MOF) assists the MOF in supervising the
insurance business and market in Vietnam. [11]
8. Uganda: The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda
(IRAU) is a government agency mandated to "ensure the
effective administration, supervision, regulation and
control of the business of Insurance in Uganda".
The agency was created in 1997 by an Act of Parliament.
This followed the liberalization and privatization policies of
Uganda's government, which ended its direct provision of
goods and services and the adoption the role of supervisor
and regulator.
There is a seven-member board of directors for policy-
setting. The four member Senior Management Team also
sits on the board.
In July 2014, IRAU directed every insurer in the country to
form separate companies dealing in life business and
general business. The objective was to prevent a downturn
in one type of business from spreading risk across the
entire industry. Also, foreign insurance companies were