Page 44 - Zone Magazine Issue 020
P. 44

gearreview gearreview
A t first the smart:EQ+ looks like most of your box standard EQ plugins. The
Linear Phase EQ features eight bands
with a frequency graph below, allowing the user to control certain bands across the spectrum.
So what makes this different to any other EQ on the market?
mixing process rather than the entire mix. However, it did pinpoint some of the problem areas which some will find useful.
The plugin already works as a solid parametric EQ, and it's intellectual function is already a bonus which will definitely make it potential contender to other EQ plugins on the market.
One thing must be understood with this plugin however, yes it will make your mixes sound more natural and give you more precise decisions to make and help you put some of that fundamental EQing into place with less manual work. One thing it is not, is something that will fix your mix automatically this is still your call and so it should be.
The smart:EQ+ is definitely a plugin I would recommend to look into for its revolutionary EQ ability and sound. It identifies multiple resonant frequencies and micro-adjustments that would take a lot longer manually tweeking with a regular EQ, resulting in a more polished, smoother sound and faster workflow.
Well this is where the magic begins! The plugin is built to get a more balanced and natural sound that can be achieved quickly and effectively, while also reducing overly complex EQing. At closer inspection you'll notice four magic wands next to the central EQ bands.
Clicking these icons will start the intellegent EQ. Once triggered the wands will start to blink and this will analyze the audio signal on the input source and adjust the EQ to the best fit possible according to the plugin. It will then make detailed adjustments to your boost or cut.
I've tested this on multiple audio channels and the results were astonishing. It excelled in vocal recordings with it's dedicated Speech mode it also worked very well with drums and effects giving them a nice sheen and natural sound. I loved working with the customized curves along with the smoothing abilities that really added a nice edge to the proceedings.
words by nutty t
I felt this plugin excelled more in the individual

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