Page 73 - The Letter By Ann Newhouse
P. 73

my whereabouts to any one we meet at the wedding explaining that I do not know Sherry’s new man or his family.
‘You can count on me’, She promised. Then we got on to relationships. Nervously I told her about Rex.
‘I’m not entirely shocked or surprised I suppose’, she said after a couple of minutes, ‘I knew he fancied you from the start, but I didn’t think you were interested’.
‘I know there is a lot of years between us, but I do like him, more than like him’, I felt good, she had not expressed any disapproval.
‘Just be careful at his fragile state’, she warned, ‘he is in turmoil at the moment waiting for news of his father’.
‘How are things with you?’ I asked cautiously, ‘Do you want to talk about what happened earlier, with Paul and Seki?’
‘I worry about Paul’, she sighed, ‘I know he is a grown man, twenty-eight next birthday but I don’t want him to get hurt again, it took a long time for him to get over it the last time’.
‘Do you think he is serious about Seki?’
‘I know this sounds bad, but she is so different’, she looked a little uncomfortable telling me this, but I knew she needed to express it, ‘I mean her culture, her beliefs a whole different way of life’. ‘Plus, he is keeping how they met from me, that is why I worry he won’t answer any questions about her family nor will she. And then the argument as we were leaving’.
‘Oh Penny, I know you are worrying so much especially being away, would it help to call him’? I suggested.
‘Yes, that’s a good idea’, she smiled, ‘I’ll call as soon as we get back the B&B’. Walking home we exchanged small talk, but I knew she had her mind full of worry

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