Page 39 - Zone Magazine Issue 017
P. 39

S olas Festival, organised by PHEVER & Mystik Ireland was a one day mini festival exclusively showcasing Irish underground electronic artists & DJs all in aid of Pieta House Suicide & Mental Health charity. Unique, and the first of it’s kind,
hosted by 'RAW' and a very serious techno back room for the more hardcore music lovers hosted by Mystik, and deep beyond the garden through the trees and the country side views was a tripped-out barn that "Bookclub" was hosting.
this non-profit event pulled together Ireland’s leading event
promoters, clubs, collectives & DJs all performing together in aid
of this worthy cause. was as diverse and well educated and a sense of community
connected people. The music was spectacular and catered to all Saturday morning arrived and brought with great excitement musical tastes playing everything from Dance Classics, Ambient
for the day which lay head, I had never been to a secret location & Melodic, Tech House to Rolling Hi-Octane Techno. The music festival before so I knew the day had something very special in was wonderful, catching special glimpse's of Dave Caffery, store for a very special cause. Declan Coleman, Frankie Moorehouse, Derek Cully, Dean
As I set of in search for the bus it wasn’t long until I was Pablo C, Frank Kearney and Raymond O Connor sets.
joined by other people who wore off to festival. The bus arrived
and we found ourselves set of on our adventure in to the The sun hung in the air all day and shone down sunny vibes unknown, feeling like a child on a school mystery tour, with the as people danced and grooved about the venue. The music question on everybody's lips "Does anyone know where we are rolled through from the bar, some funky disco classics was going?" A feeling of mystery clung in the air. joined by the rumble from the main stage. As the evening came
to an end it was clear to see that friendships had been made We drove out past Nasa and was soon greeted by twisty and a good time was had by all, a sign of a truly successful
country roads, the laughter and chats between existing and event. Huge respect to everyone involved and the immense newfound friendships filled the bus before too long we had effort that went in behind the scene to create such a great event
arrived at a very secluded location which later I found out was for such a good cause and for all the DJs that played and 'Poulaphouca House'. The location was beautiful a sea of green supported the event and the promoters who took the time to get scenery and country air awaited us as we stepped of the bus. involved.
The sound of rolling bases lines from Miss Gracey Friel Connect: flooded to greet the buses from the main stage, the crowd toe
It wasn’t long before the venue was filled with ravers excited to see what the rest of this amazing day had in store. The crowd
Sherry, Kyle Cahir, Ninja Tips, Shinotoko, Colm Collie Mckenna,
tapped as they waited to in the que as music filled the air. There was one main stage hosted by Phever, an open door bar
Words & Pics By Emma McGrath

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