Page 15 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 15

You where nominated for a grammy as a remixer in 2014, what was that like when you found out, and has life been a little different since?
Yeah that was great! This was the first time a tech house influenced track (The Rising by Five Knives on Red Bull Records) had been nominated. It was an incredibly simplistic track but at the time that is what I felt the remix package was missing. Although it was not at all a huge "seller" it was an honor to be nominated amongst the select remixer voters of the Grammys. And losing to Tiesto is cool with me. He did an amazing job with John Legend remix of "All of me".
If you where to start your life over what would you do different? And if you where not an artist what would you have done as a career?
I could not imagine starting my life
over and doing anything different. Of course I have made some big mistakes and bad decisions, but all of us humans do.
However, I guess I may have got a degree in Music instead on Engineering Sciences, to do what I am doing now (and learned to play keyboards instead of trumpet).
If not an artist, i would have been working with NASA.
Anything you can advise on either as a DJ or Producer?
DO it for the love. Make sure YOU feel your music you are making and if you think it is missing something, it most likely is. Do not just blast it loud and get drunk thinking it sounds great (I used to do that LOL). It is rather hard to make a "living" in this industry these days - nothing at all like the tremendous amounts of money
generated by vinyl record sales anymore. Believe in yourself and your gift, stay focused, take a break, take a nap, say your prayers for guidance, don't get discouraged by no replies from labels and clubs. If you can get through all that, then you are most likely on your correct path as a talented true DJ / Artist. Thats is my Opinion, not the rule for sure.
Would you like to give a shout out to anyone who have been an inspiration or helped you on your journey?
Roger Sanchez, Sneak, Moodyman, Lenny Fontana and Tony Humphries.
Is been a pleasure talking to you, keep up the good work, any last words?
Thank you very much for the time.
Words By Paul Newhouse
Pics By J Dobson photography

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