Page 27 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 27

Michael Heffernan
" I'm constantly learning and I am always keen to try new things whether it’s a recording technique or a new piece of equipment/ plug-in. "
I'll sum it on the board and maybe use some outboard if needed. When I start a recording session I will have my mixing cap on from the get go. I take my time to ensure I get really good source sounds. You can have all the gear and plugs in the world but if it's recorded badly you'll spend your mixing time fixing stuff instead of being creative.
What’s your motivation in the studio what drives you?
With every session I do whether it’s recording or mixing I strive to get better results than the previous session. I'm constantly learning and I am always keen to try new things whether it’s a recording technique or a new piece of equipment/plug-in.
When you’re not producing or mixing for big international stars, you have been busy co creating some of your own new sounds with Aisling Browne on your latest venture ‘Cut Once’ can you tell us about your phenomenally good debut track ‘institution.’
Aisling Browne and I didn't set out to form ‘Cut Once’ it just kinda happened. She had done some vocals on some of my electronic music and she asked me to produce her solo music. Institution actually came from a piano riff Aisling had been working on. I used Ableton's “convert harmony to midi” option on the piano riff audio and then sent that midi to my Phatty. We tidied up some of the notes and that became the bass line. We just built upon that then to arrange the rest of the song. With the title of the song being Institution we set out to make some uneasy grooves and jarring sounds. We're really happy with how it turned out.
How do you see the Irish music scene today and in particular the electronic music scene, with a new wave of interest in new producers and DJ’s who should we be watching out for?
There is so much Irish electronic music out there now and the standard is incredible. It’s great to see so many people wanting to make music and put on parties etc...Digging some of the Irish techno out there now from Nathan Jones and Doog Cooney.
What piece of advice would you give to someone who’s thinking of pursuing a career as a studio engineer / producer?
My main piece of advice to anyone thinking of becoming an engineer is be keen and hungry and jump at any opportunity that comes your way.
What’s next for Michael Heffernan, plans for the future?
I hope to continue working with various artists in the studio recording and mixing. I'm going to give Cut Once more of my time this year prepping the live show and writing an album. I also want to get back to making Techno, maybe do some re- mixes of the Cut Once stuff.
Words By Mike Moggi Mannix Pic By Keith McGovern

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